Smile (Maddie)

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"So.." starts off Tanaka while alone with Kageyama. "Are there any girls that you like?"
Shrugging, he replies, "Why do you ask?"
"Because I'm your senpai, and when there's girl trouble, I should help you."
"I'm not helping you with Shimizu Senpai."
"Pfft.I don't need help with that."
"Then what do you want?"
"Nothing! I swear! Now answer the original question."
"None of your business."
"You're no fun."
In front of the black-haired boy sits a girl during class. A chubby one, at that. Y/n L/n. You're smart and quite pretty in his eyes. Pretty, indeed. Some days, just during class, his eyes drifted to your pretty hair that looks so soft. You're always alone from what he can tell, and that saddens him just a bit. Such a pretty girl shouldn't be alone.
On his way to volleyball practice, he sees you texting and walking with earbuds in. A car begins getting closer and closer, so he runs and puts himself around you as a shield, the vehicle grazing him just a bit. Confused, you look up at him and raise an eyebrow as you pull out an earbud,
"Why are you touching me?" you demand stiffly.
Awkward from never interacting with you before, he replies, "There was a car. I didn't want you to get hit.
Pushing him off, you say, "Oh... thanks." then pop your earbud back in and go on your way.
Feeling a bit giddy from the interaction, he walls to the gym with a smile on his face. When he walks in, everyone hides behind Ukai, the coach, who looks heavily disturbed.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!!" screams little Hinata, the shrimp.
"Do what?"
Smile falling, he goes, "I'm not mad."
Suspicious, Ukai asks, "Then why did you come in here looking like you were plotting a murder?"
"I was smiling."
"Like a psycho."
"I was not."
"You definitely were."
"Maybe I was just genuinely happy."
Hinata comes running over and touches his hand to Kageyama's forehead. "Are you sick?"
"No!! Can't I just be happy?"
Upon hearing that he has to get good grades to go to a training trip, Kageyama stops breathing. He may as well be dead. Takeda, the manager, grabs him by the collar and starts dragging him off. He has a plan. When they begin approaching you, Kageyama breathes again, but then it's caught in his chest again. Just the backside of you is stunning. Walking up to you, Takeda says with a smile, "Hi. I'm Takeda. A teacher here. And this is Tobio Kageyama."
Not looking up from your phone, you reply, "I know. what do you want?"
"Well, Kageyama needs to go to this training trip in Tokyo, but can't because of his grades. If he doesn't improve them, he'll have to take make-up exams that Saturday"
"And how is that my problem?"
"Can you tutor him?"
Finally, you look up. "Fine. But only because he saved me from getting hit by a car yesterday."
Thank you!!" He begins to shove Kageyama toward you. "Take good care of him! I gotta go!
Bowing, Kageyama says, "Arigatogozaimasu!"
"Uh-huh. In the classroom."
You both walk into the classroom. Currently, he's a bit agitated, finding it to be bothersome to have to study with you.
After all, you're too distracting. How is he supposed to focus? Every move you make is caught by his eyes, even if you're just sitting down. You're so beautiful.
"So," you start off, letting him take a seat. "Where are you struggling?"
"All classes."
"All- okay. What exactly are your grades?"
"HOLY- that's possible?"
"Hinata's grades are worse than mine."
"WHA-" You start taking slow and deep breaths, trying to calm down. "Okay, what's your worse class?"
"Okay. I can work with that."
Face turning bitter, he says, "I'm Japanese Why am I learning English? We speak Japanese. That's our language. So why-"
"Tourism and business."
"Well it's stupid."
"And so are you."
How do I be nice? Don't girls like nice guys? What do I do? Smile? He tries to give you a smile, and when you look up, you almost fall out of your seat. Concerned, his smile falls.
"Are you-"
"What'd I do?"
"That psychotic grin! Like you're some type of murderer."
"Why is everyone always saying my smile is scary?"
"THAT'S YOUR NORMAL- I'm done. No more questions or anything. Just study."
Every day, Kageyama sees you sitting in the gym, playing on your phone during his practice before it's time for tutoring You never look up or pay any more attention than you have to . It drives him crazy. All he wants is for you to notice him!
Just put the phone down!!
Studying is always at his house since you refuse to let him come to yours, though he doesn't know why. You won't answer he asks, so he's given up. Right now, you're in his room, books all over the table and pencils everywhere. He's in the bathroom, and when he comes back, he finds you asleep, face on the desk. Awkwardly, he sits down, unsure of what to do.
Abruptly, you wake up, a bit of led on your face and hair frizzy. You blink a couple times before coming to. "Sorry. I wasn't asleep long, was I?"
"No. I just got back"
"Oh... good."
"Do you need to go home?"
"It's fine."
Later, after you leave, he lies on his bed, tossing a volleyball up and then catching it several times. Each time it comes back into his hands, he sees another image of you. You focused. You sleeping. You angry. You spaced out. Oddly, none of you smiling. Had he ever actually see you smile? He can't remember even one time.
Today, Kageyama is shocked. You're watching the practice. You've never done that before. What prompted you today?
He doesn't know, but it makes him smile. You meet each other's eye, and he finds the slightest hint of a blush on your face before you turn your head back to the court.
After practice, you and him start on the way back to his house. He says, "Thanks for watching practice."
Shrugging, you reply, "My phone died."
"You guys are pretty decent. You... your tosses are good." Though you stare at the ground, he finds you to be blushing again. Or is your face just flushed? Do you have a fever?
"Thank you. I've been working on more control."
"I can see that. We went to the sane junior high, you know."
He stops breathing a few seconds. The same junior high? Do you know? About who he used to be? It seems that way. Is that why you never smile around him? Because you hate him? You see right through him?
"You've changed" you continue. "Back then, T had this silly little crush on Oikawa Senpai,"
He rolls his eyes. Great... him.
"I watched the practices all the time. Before I knew it, I came to enjoy it. Even after Senpai graduated, I still watched.
"You were...uhh... an interesting player"
"I was a tyrant. I know. Why didn't you watch our practices up 'til now?"
"Honestly, you. You ruined it for me. Of course, I see that you've changed. You're... talented." For the first time, he finds the slightest trace of a smile on your lips. It's so pretty.
For a moment, he thinks you're about to say something, but then it seems that you change your mind. Finally, you mutter, "Do well on those exams tomorrow."
"You'd better pass.
"Please," says Sugawara. "Calm down-"
Azumani picks you up and holds you before you can stab Kageyama with a pencil. "It's okay He'll still be able to go. It's just a make-up exam in the morning. It's okay."
"It's okay."
When Kageyama gets back from the camp, he and Hinata fight. It's intense. Yachi runs out in tears as they try to beat each other. What makes him stop, however, is when someone grabs your arm abruptly. Seething, he turns to see who it is, but his eyes soften when he sees you with tears in your eyes.
You choke out, "Stop. Y- you'll get hurt. Please-"
"Hai." He releases Hinata's collar.
You drag him outside, then start beating at his chest weakly. "Baka! Bakarul! How could you?! What if you got hurt?! I was walking home peacefully and then Yachi came running, saying that you'll kill each other! And it seemed that you were about to! l Don't you know not to fight in front of girls?!"
"That's all you have to say?! Baka!! Bakaru!!"
"Calm down-"
"No!! I won't! I don't want you hurt-"
"Why not?"
"Because I love you, idiot!! I love you and hate seeing you in pain!"
"You do? But-"
Suddenly, you lean up and kiss him, taking him by surprise. You wrap your arms around his neck, standing on the tips of your toes. To make it easier, he leans down further, resting his hands on your squishy waist. Why do your lips taste so good? Its almost unreal.
When you try to pull away, he doesn't let you. He deepens it. it. He's just not ready to let go. Not yet. It hasn't been long enough. He needs you in his arms as long as possible. Just a little more time.
"I need air," you say against his lips, causing him to pull back a bit. "Well, that was incredible." Your eyes sparkle and there's a beautiful smile on your face.
"It was."
"So. Why did you kiss back?"
"Because I feel the same way."
Your smile broadens. "Then be my boyfriend.'
Now smiling, too, he replies, "Hai."
There you go. A normal smile."
"I'Il walk you home."
"You don't-"
"I insist."
He begins dragging you home, and when you get there, your mon flings the door open, practically melting at the sight of you with a boy. Instantly, she asks, "Who are you? Her boyfriend?"
"Hai. I'm Tobio Kageyama."
"Really? Would you like a cup of tea?"
"No," you say. "He's gonna go home-"
Shaking his head, he argues, "But I want tea."
"Get tea at your house."
"I want your mom's tea."
"Fine. C'mon. A quick cup of tea-"
"So," your mom goes. "Why do you look so beat-up?"
"I got into a bit of a fight with a teammate"
"Teammate? Are you in a sport?"
"Hai. Volleyball."
"That's amazing! Are you good?"
"I'd say so."
"That's wonderful."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "Are you done yet?"
"Hurry up and leave."
"Why do you want to kick me out so bad? I'm your boyfriend."
"Because I'm ready for bed!"
"I could go with you-"
"GET OUT!!!"
"Wait. You'll come with me to the upcoming training camp, right?"
"Fine. Now get out."
"Alright," he stands up and bows to your mother . "I be leaving. Thank you for the tea and hospitality."
"Of course. Get home safely."
"I'll walk you to the door," you say while standing up.
When you two get to it, he leans down and kisses you. With a smile, he says, "Goodnight," and then leaves.

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