Chapter 1

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This book contains subjects like depression, grieve and self harm. Please don't read if those subjects trigger you and stay safe! My messages are always open if you want to talk.

Under construction, I wrote this when I was sixteen so I'm just going to fix the grammar mistakes. People still seem to read this story so I want it to look okay. :) thanks for reading! Oh, and I also added a new cover.

You heard about it a while ago, but you never even thought about it. You just assumed it was a fake story, because fake stories run through your town as naturally as the sun who rises up the sky. A famous actor comes to live in your neighbourhood? No way! That's what you thought until this midday, when you went grocery shopping after you slept in.

You took the motorcycle, as usual, and drove to the store. You'd parked it, but when you walked to the entrance you dropped the keys. You kneeled down to pick them up, and when you stood up and walked forward, looking at the ground, you bumped into a blond guy, with beautiful brown eyes.

"Shit... I'm sorry!" You said, looking down at the ground again. It was what you did often, you did not like eyecontact, much easier to have this barrier between you and the people you're talking to.

"That's okay... Is that your motorcycle?" His Brittish accent caught your attention, and you looked up again, curious. You regonized his face, but you couldn't place it. You definally hadn't seen him here before.

"Yeah... It is. You like motorcycles?"

"You can say that... I love them!" He smiled down at you, he was a lot taller. But that didn't surprise you, almost everyone you knew was. Except from your 90 year old neighboor, but that was acceptable.

"You should really come to the motorclub where I work, we have lot's of those pretty babies. And the race-course is amazing." You smiled back at him. You liked people who're as passionate about the same things you were passionate about.

"I'd love to, only I have no clue where that is. I'm new here. My name's Thomas." He offered me his hand.

"I'm (y/n). Welcome to this town!" You accepted his hand and shook it. "Here, shall I write it down? The address?" You opened your bag and took a empty page out of your notebook. You use this thing if you suddenly have inspiration for a new song. You love writing songs. You quickly wrote down the address and gave it at him.

"Thank you, that's a lovely name by the way. I'll see you there, I guess. It was nice to meet you, (y/n)."

You can feel yourself blush and you quickly look at the ground.
"Thanks. Yeah. Nice to meet you!" You quickly walked past him, feeling ashamed for being this awkward. Contact with people wasn't your thing anymore...

In the store, everyone was talking to each other, louder then usual.
'A famour actor...', 'Thomas Brodie-Sangster...', 'The maze runner movie...' And 'He's so hot, did you see his smile?' All woman's and girl voises. That's when everything fell into place, they were talking about this guy you'd just met! He was a famous actor?

Okay, what do I care? He's cute, and nice, but so what? He'll never be your friend or anything. You thought these things while you put your headphones on and went on filling your shopping basket with the things you needed. But you didn't stop thinking about him, curious of who he was.

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