Chapter 44

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We entered the airplane and found our seats shortly. I was kind of really nervous and excited at the same time. I sat beside the window and Thomas sat next to me. I glared out of the window and my stomach filled with a weird feeling. We were going to be above the clouds soon. That was a weird thought.
'You okay, love?' Thomas asked me tenderly.
I nodded and glared at him. 'It's the first time I'm in a airplane.' I confessed.
Thomas looked surprised. 'Really?'
I nodded once. 'Just nervous, you know.'
'About crashing?' He asked.
I nodded. 'Third time's the charm, right?'
Thomas frowned and looked at me seriously. 'What do you mean?'
'I escaped death twice now.' I said, ashamed of myself.
Thomas took my head. 'You know, you have more chance winning a lottery then crashing with an airplane. So let it go and let's enjoy this adventure.'
I nodded and took a deep breathe. 'You're right.' I softly stroked his hand. 'I'm so excited!' I looked around me. Most of the people sat, we were one of the last people to get in the plane.

About thirty minutes later, the plane took off. I was really scared when the plane lifted off, especially when the plane dropped after climbing high up in the sky. Thomas held my hand the entire time and whispered sweet words in my ear. When we were floating high in the sky, most of my fear fell alway.

Thomas and I decided to watch a movie both at the same time on the screens in front of us. With me begging Thomas finally agreed on watching Nanny McPhee with me.
When I saw little Thomas, I squeaked silently. I glared at Thomas, who smiled his cute little smile at me, his dimples showing. 'Can we watch another movie now?' He exclaimed.
I shook my head and returned to the movie. It was so cute I couldn't help but smile like a crazy person every time Thomas appeared on my screen.
Thomas placed his head on my shoulder and almost immediately fell asleep. The stewardess asked me if I wanted something to drink and I ordered a Coke. She handed me a can and then glared at Thomas and frowned. 'I have the feeling I know him from somewhere...' She said to me, and coughed. 'Isn't he from that movie? The maze runner?'
I nodded and she grinned excited. 'Can I get him something to drink for if he wakes?'
I shook my head. 'He's probably out for a while, thank you!'
'Have a nice flight.' The stewardess turned away and moved her car forward. I placed a kiss on Thomas' forehead. He groaned. I turned back to the screen.
After 2 movies (Nanny McPhee and The Maze Runner) you fell asleep against to Thomas.

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