Chapter 29

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"Hey, I must have fallen asleep." Thomas' voice made you jump a bit.

You turned your face towards him and smiled. "Yeah, you were far, far away from here. The nurse came and refreshed my bandage. She said I'm healing fast. And I ate a bit of food," you pointed at the still full plate on your nightstand, and added "which tasted horrible, so I basically only ate the pudding."

Thomas sat up straight in his chair and grinned "I can see that. How are you feeling? You look a bit better."

"I feel fine but I look horrible. Seriously my own reflexion on my phone screen scares me."

Thomas chuckled, "You don't look that bad. You're still beautiful."

You rolled your eyes, smiling and sighed.
"Shall I get us food... Like, proper food?" Thomas asked you.

"Please." You answered, still smiling but when he wanted to stand up you grabbed his hand.

"What is it?" Thomas looked you in your eyes, the way only he did. He had you caught in his gaze, like you were his prisoner. And you didn't mind. You wished he was yours forever.

"Thank you. For everything. You didn't have to stay with me this intire time but here you are, and that makes me so happy. You make me happy, and less afraid." You could feel the tears rising up in your eyes but you stopped them; only one tear made his way down your face.

Thomas rubbed your tear gently away and smiled but cried in the smile; you'd never seen him cry before. It was the most heartbreaking thing you'd ever seen. Thomas leaned forward and took your face gently in his hands. He gazed in your eyes and you gazed back at his.
"You are the most important thing in my life (y/n), there is no other place I should be. You almost died and the thought of you... Dead... It was unbearable. I have no idea what I had done if it... Went wrong. I'm just so thankful you're still here." Thomas' words came out beautifully between sobs.

Now you aloud your tears to go and both of you were crying, gazing at each other. Thomas leaned forward and kissed you passionately, your head hurt a bit but everything fell away the moment your lips touched. "I love you." You whispered and gasped between kisses. "I love you too." You kissed Thomas a bit rougher, but you were still to weak to go extreme.

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