Chapter 49

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'(Y/n), wake up.' A soft whisper, far away. Not yet, you thought. 
Something soft tickled your skin, forcing you to open your eyes. Thomas placed another kiss on your cheek and smiled satisfied.
'To early.' You moaned and made a silly face.
'No, actually, it's pretty late. You were pretty out of it so I got you breakfast on the market nearby.'
You sat up in bed. 'Oh, what did you get me?' You grinned and Thomas chuckled.
'A chicken empanada and fresh fruit.'
'Mmm!' I licked my lips greedy. Thomas handed me the white plastic back, but didn't let it go. 'First a kiss.' He said and I rolled my eyes. I placed a long kiss on his lips. 'Thanks, darling, you're the best.'

Thomas smiled and let go of the bag. He opened the curtains and sat down next to me in bed. 'Do you want to go to the pool after breakfast?'
I glared at my scars. Fuck it, (y/n), go have fun. I said to myself in my head, and nodded.
'Great.' Thomas said happy.


There was nobody by the pool in the garden, so that was a relieve. You took Thomas his hand and together you jumped in the pool. The water wasn't cool like you expected it would be, it was a nice temperature. You hadn't been swimming in ages, but you enjoyed messing around in the pool with Thomas. Pushing each other under, splashing water on each other. Just having fun. 

You had Thomas under shot (your hand was on the position it would splash him), he begged for mercy, then he swam towards you, putting his arms around your waist. I couldn't move my arm and Thomas laughed satisfied. 'That's unfair, just because you're stronger then me -' his lips were on mine and I groaned. I smiled in the kiss... I'd never been this happy before. 
We slide through the water until I was stuck between the edge of the pool and Thomas' body. 
We kissed endlessly until I was free again to splash again, unexpected. I laughed and swam away, Thomas followed me. He grabbed my hand and now I was the one begging for mercy.
We continued this kissing - splash game until we were were wrinkled and tired.


You spend the midday doing more tourist stuff in Bangkok, around 4 you were back at the hotel to pack. You did notice people look at you today, but you couldn't figure out if they'd read the article or if you were just paranoia.

Kay had send you a lovely text that midday:

Don't worry, darling. Your secret is safe with me.
I want you to know I'm here for you if you ever
need someone to talk to. Take care & enjoy.

X Kaya

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