Chapter 8

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The next day you had to work in the morning until 3 pm. After that you immediatly went to Thomas' place. It was rainy so you were kind of wet by the time you got there.
You ringed his doorbell and he opened it, with a big smile.

"(Y/n)! I wanted to call you! Dylan, Ki Hong and Kaya are coming over in an hour, and I want you to meet them! It'll be so much fun! We're just gonna hang out, maybe order some food after that. They're in town because of this interview we have to do tomorrow morning. Please, join us. It'll be a fun midday."

"Hey, ehm... Are you sure? What if they don't like me?" Your social anxiety kicked in, and you immediatly felt nervous. Your stomach started to ache at the thought of it.

"They'll love you, I'm sure of it. Don't worry. And you'll like them, too. Especially Kaya. I think you'd be good friend."

"Well, I would like to meet them... So why not?"

"Great." Thomas smiled, and stepped to the side, "Come in."

You walked inside and Thomas closed the door behind you. You sat on the sofa, and looked around. He had a cozy living room. "So would you like to have something to drink?"
You shook your head, and smiled at him. "No, thanks."

You talked for about half an hour, then the unavoidable question came.
"Do you live in such a big house all by yourself?"
You thought about that question, and decided to tell him everything.

"Yes, I do... I didn't use to..." You sighed, and looked at him. "Okay I'm gonna tell you something, and please don't judge or something."

Thomas nodded, "Of course, I won't judge you. You can tell me if you want but don't feel pressured, you don't have to explain if it makes you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine. I want... need to. Where I live now, it's my old family's home. Last spring... My parents and pregnant aunt were in the car, on their way to the hospital, my aunt was about to give birth... I would get a healthy baby cousin. And then they had a car accident. I lost the most important four people in my live that day.' You said, shakily. There were tears in your eyes at the end of it, it was hard to speak about it without crying.

You turned your head away from Thomas. You didn't want him to see you crying, again.
You wiped away a few stray tears and Thomas took your hand.

"Hey, (y/n) look at me. Why would you ever think I would judge you for that? I'm so sorry that happend. That's just... awful."

"I acted out when it happend. All my friends I had back then walked away from me... I was a mess. I still am, actually. People walk the other way when they see me coming. No one cared or understood me. That was until I met you." You looked at Thomas again, and then to the ground. He was looking at you with concerned eyes.

"I can't even imagine where you have been through,"he said, and stroked your hand with his thumb. The gentle touch sent shivers down your spine; it's something you aren't used to. It feels amazing, though. "Come on, I have tissues in the kitchen."

"Thank you. Not just for the tissues." You said, and followed Thomas to his kitchen. You were still holding on to his hand.

You'd wiped your tears away again, and stared in a mirror that was hanging in the hallway. "Oh crap, I look awful. I can't meet your friends like this." You walked to your purse and put on new make up. While you were doing this, you saw that Thomas was staring at you.
You'd finished your make-up when the door bell rang. "They're early..." Thomas muttered. "Are you okay? You sure you're still up for this?"

You nodded, and sat down on the sofa.

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