Chapter 19

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You woke up next to Thomas, and that felt so good. Your head was pounding a bit, you definitely had a hang over, but the sight of Thomas sleeping next to you made you beyond happy. He looked so cute. His face was turned to you, and you just stared at him for minutes. You didn't remember much from last night, and you just hoped you didn't do anything stupid.

You looked at your phone, it was 11 am. Then you saw it. You had a lot of comments on your Instagram account, of the picture of you and Thomas in the roller coaster.

You scrolled through them, shocked. It was all hate.

You're too ugly for him.

You don't deserve him.

You might have him fooled, but I know who you are. You are a slut.

Sad little girl with dead parents, maybe he just feels sorry for you.

Wish you were dead.

Omg, (Y/n), I heared you were cheating on Thomas. You are such a bitch.

Thomas is such a good person, I am a true fan. He deserves better then you, he deserves the best.

Why are you cheating on Thomas, you bitch?

He just feels sorry for you that's why he's with you. Ugly bitch.

Die and leave TBS alone.

You felt a tear stream down your face. There was plenty more to read, but you couldn't. Most of these people that commented, were complete strangers. You threw your phone in the corner of the room. You looked at Thomas, he was still asleep, and left the bed. You quickly put some clothes on, and rushed downstairs. When you were outside, you began to cry. You drove away with your motorcycle, not sure where you were going. You just drove in the direction of the forest, and you found yourself in the open place.

You laid down on the grass and covered your face with your hands, crying out loud. All those messages, they were true. Maybe Thomas was with you because he felt sorry for you. Maybe you should die. How could you think someone could ever love you? You were to broken, to ugly, to dumb. God... You loved Thomas so much. And you believed him. You trusted him. You still did... Maybe you was just selfish? Loving a man who deserved better than you?

You tried to lit a cigarette, but you were shaking too much. You threw the lighter away and began to cry even louder. You hated yourself so much.

You lied like that for a while, with your eyes closed. Tears were streaming down your face, and you just felt sadder and sadder. After what felt like forever, someone touched you.

You opened your eyes and sat up quickly, Thomas was kneeling next to you.

'Thomas?' You whispered. You wiped your tears away and tried to fake a smile.

'Oh, (Y/n), come here.' He wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head against his chest, sobbing. 'I read the comments. I'm so sorry.'

'You did? Thomas... I didn't cheat on you. Wait... How did you know where I was?'

'It was the first place I looked for you. I know, baby.'

'I'm sorry.'

'What are you talking about, (y/n)?'

You looked up in his eyes.

'I don't deserve you. I'm selfish.'

Thomas looked at you, and his eyes began to fill with tears. 'I love you, so much, (Y/n). Don't believe those people who say hateful things. You deserve the best, better than me... You aren't selfish, you are so kind and beautiful...'

You began to cry again, and said 'Really? I love you to, you are the best thing that ever happened to me... I'm sorry.'

'Come here, I love you.' He kissed you on your lips. 'Let's go home, I'll make you some breakfast.'

You nodded and held Thomas tight. 'Thank you. You are amazing.'
Thomas helped you up and you drove back home together.

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