Chapter 28

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Kaya had left and Thomas and you were all alone.
You glanced at him from your bed, he was sitting in a chair, glancing back at you.
"Come here." You whispered and smiled at him.
Thomas frowed, grinning, then did what you asked. He leaned towards the bed and you leaned forward to give him a kiss on his lips, placing your arms around his neck. You sighed. "I should have done that earlier."
"Yeah?" Thomas chuckled and kissed you again, a bit rougher but still gentle, like you were easily broken. You smiled in the kiss and then  you moaned; a sting of extreme pain rushed trough your head. Thomas let go of you a bit but his face was still really close to yours, his hands still on your cheek. He looked in your eyes, you saw pain in his.
"God, sorry." You whispered. You had totally ruined the moment.
"Are you okay?" Thomas asked gentle.
"I'm fine, just, my head hurts a bit, you know?" You answered slowly.
Thomas sighed and stared out of the window next to your bed, concerned look on his face. He looked in pain.
"I'm fine, Thomas." You repeated. "I would kill for a chigarette, though." You added and giggled.
Thomas' face cleared up a bit, and laughed with you. Then he gave you a small kiss and sat back in his chair. He took your hand and gently squeezed it. "That sucks, love." He smiled, but it was more of a grimace.
"Yeah..." You answered and laid back in bed, pulling the blankets more up.
"Are you cold?" He asked concerned.
"No, I'm fine." You smiled and closed your eyes, drifting of a bit. The pain was still there, but Thomas was holding your hand, and his even breaths made you comfortable. You were so thankful to Thomas and Kaya, and the rest too. Finally, you'd found a new family you could count on, and that felt amazing.

You'd fallen asleep and when you woke up, the sun was going down. Thomas was sleeping in the chair, his hand frozen in yours. He looked like this amazingly beautiful statue, and you gazed at him for a long time.
Then the door opened; it was the nurse, she wanted to check up on you and bring you food. She was a dark young beautiful women, with a beautiful smile.
"Hey darling." She whispered, because she saw that Thomas was asleep. "How are you feeling? You look much better."
You smiled, she looked nice. "I feel okay, my head is pounding a bit but I slept pretty good for a couple hours... I've just woken up." You answered,whispering.
"Okay that's great honey, I'm gonna clean the bandage on your head." The nurse whispered and sat down on the side of the bed; the opposit side of Thomas' chair. You nodded.
The nurse gently pealed of the tape and looked at your wound. "It looks like it's healing really fast. That's a good sign." She put on a new bandage and stood up, glancing at Thomas who was thankfully still asleep.
"He's a keeper, hun. He stayed with you the intire time. With that other girl, your friend... Kaya, isn't it? You have some amazing people in your live." She smiled, then sighed.
"Yes, I do," You answered grinning. "thank you, ehm...?" You added.
"It's Lilly, dear one."
You forgot how to breathe for that moment. Lilly... Oh, god. That was how you were gonna call her... your cousin. You took a deep breath and smiled. "Thank you, Lilly."
"Eat your food." She answered with a serious but joyful face and handed you the hospital food; it looked horrible. Then the nurse left the room, leaving you in your thoughts.

Lilly. You had picked that name, you loved it so much when you choose it but that had changed, you had hated every part of it. You had been so angry. But now there it was, that name. It was a wonderful human being, alive and well, and good, pure. It didn't mean death, loss and despare anymore. That name is hope. A tear made his way down your cheek and you smiled. You wiped the tear away, and began on your food, which was indeed horrible. But hey, there was pudding what tasted like a ordinary pudding so that was great. But Lilly was still on your mind.

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