Chapter 69

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The next couple of days, you didn't speak with anyone apart from Thomas early in the mornings or late in the evenings. He was away everyday for work and you just slept all day or watched Netflix on your phone. You barely ate and felt sick waking up after dreamless, void nights. You were a mess. You hated the fact Thomas saw you like this - and he was so kind and good to you, all you did was cry. Weak. Pathetic. You hated that you couldn't just forget the Incident (which is how you call it).
Thomas had called Melany the first day about your 'sickness' so she knew you wouldn't be at home for at least a week. She wasn't happy about it, of course, but she did send you a lovely get well- text. Jake took over your shifts at the club, so that was settled as well.

That Friday, Kaya came over in the morning. 
'Hello, love.' She said with a smile when she walked in. Thomas left at the same time and blew me a kiss before he disappeared.
'Hey, what are you doing here? Why aren't you on set?' You sat up in bed, trying not to show that hurt badly.
'I don't have any scenes today, so I wanted to check up on you. How are you feeling? You look...'
'Awful?' You smiled weakly.
She walked towards you and placed a basket of chocolate, sweets and cookies on your night stand. She placed a kiss on your cheek, and sat down next to you on bed. The blanket slightly moved away and your shirt rolled up, revealing your bruises. You immediately pulled your shirt down, but it was to late.

Kaya gasped. 'What happened?' She asked, shocked.
You glared at the blanket, feeling your cheeks burn and your stomach turned.
You glanced at Kaya and swallowed hard. She looked really worried. You had to tell her... And deep down, you kind of wanted for your best friend to know. You trusted Kaya.
'The morning I left... I filled the tank of my car in a village nearby,' You sighed, closing your eyes, 'and the truth is... I got raped. And they kicked the shit out of me, so...' You pointed at your bruises. So much weight fell of your shoulders once you'd told her.
'Thomas picked me up after the Incident and I've felt really weak ever since, held up in this place.'
Kaya glared at you, frowning, like she was thinking really hard about what to say. You didn't want her to judge you or feel sorry for you, so you felt really nervous.
'I didn't expect that.' She said, her voice shaky, 'Oh, God, darling... That's just awful. I'm so sorry that happened.'
You nodded and felt your eyes get watery, suddenly feeling noxious again. You quickly got up, winching, and ran over to the bathroom. You bowed over the toiled and puked. You flushed and felt really dizzy, so you leaned onto the sink. Kaya stood in the door opening.
'Are you okay?' She asked with a tiny voice and placed her hand on your arm, stroking it gently, like you were a porcelain object that's easily broken.
'I'm fine.' You answered and Kaya helped you towards the bed again. You leaned onto her while the pain stung like a bitch.

'Will you stay here today?' You asked her when you were both on the bed again.
Kaya smiled slightly, her chin shaking a bit as if she's going to burst into tears. She nodded. 'Of course I will. How about we watch a lot of cheesy chickflicks on my laptop?'
You smiled. 'Sounds perfect.'

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