Chapter 3

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You opened the fence with the keys and walked through it, holding it open for Thomas. "So, is this illegal?" He asked, you could see him smile even though it was dark, the lights around the race course gave his face a little glow.

"No, ofcourse not. Come on." You giggled, and rolled your eyes. "I work here, remember?"

"Ah, I do. Feels illegal, I guess." Thomas walked in and you closed the fence behind him. You laugh at him. "Why?"

"Because it's dark and we went through a fence." He pouts.

You smiled at him. You're a bit of an idiot, aren't you?"

He chuckles. "I am. Is that a bad thing?" He looks at you from the side.

You shook  your head. "No."

You two walked through the grass, silence falling over you, and you handed him another cigarette. "Thanks, (y/n)."

"Come on, we'll walk over my favourite course. So, there are nine different courses. It's big, I know. So I love this one because it's half on the course and half in the forest. There are five courses in the forest, 1 half in the forest and half on the actual course, and three on the race course." You loved talking about motor cycling, when you started you couldn't stop! In the corner of your eye you could see Thomas was staring at you.

"I love them all, but this one is definally my favourite. It was my dad's favourite course, too..." You quickly halted, regretting the last comment. A sting of pain went through your body, talking about your dad, and mom ofcourse made you so sad.

Thomas halted too, "What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm sorry." You answered, and smiled. You'd gotten pretty good in hiding your emotions. "So, what do you think so far?"

"It's really cool." He answered, his voice sounded a bit excited and you walked further. You'd almost reached the forest now, and you were just talking about random things. You laughed, talked about motors, obviously. You really felt connected to this guy, and it felt so good to have a nice, clean, honest evening with a person.

Obviously, Jake was pissed for not returning to your shift again, but you were tired of people being pissed. So you didn't care. Plus, he couldn't do anything about it. You could easily get him fired instead. Playback's a bitch.

Thomas even brought you home, and you thanked him for a wonderful evening. He answered he had a good time, and that he'd love to hang out again. You exchanged numbers.

Of course, you couldn't say no to that, even though you felt like you should have. For a very long time you'd been able to let nobody in, and now suddenly in one day you'd let Thomas in.

The problem of caring about people was that there was a very big chance you would lose them, like everybody else, and that's why you didn't let people in. But you couldn't resist Thomas, and for once in a very long time, you felt happy.

You opened the door of your house and quickly waved at Thomas, closed the door, took your coat of and looked at the mirror.

Your reflexion kind of took you by surprise, your smile was really big and that was something new. You walked to the kitchen and prepared popcorn, what you took upstairs.

Your house was really big, and so was your room. You had a huge flat screen TV, and you opened popcorntime. You searched for The Maze Runner, you'd heared someone in the store talk about that movie. Thomas played in that movie, and you were curious. You'd read the book a long while ago, and you hadn't even realised there was a movie. You did know you enjoyed the books.

So you watched The Maze Runner that evening, and everytime Newt was in a scene, your heart would jump. God, he wasn't just an amazing person, you thought when the movie was finished, but an amazing actor, too.

Your iPhone bleeped.
Had a lovely evening, thanks for making me feel welcome in this town. I'll call u tomorrow, OK? - T

You smiled at your phone and typed:
Me too, talk to you tomorrow. I look forward 2 it.
Sleep well. - (Y/I)

So (y/i) means your initial/ firtst letter.

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