Chapter 21

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Thomas called to make a reservation in a restaurant and he ordered tickets to a new action movie. He also called a psychologist specialized in trauma's, and made an appointment for you for the day after tomorrow morning. You were a bit nervous... But you looked forward to tonight. Thomas had an interview for a radio station with Kaya tomorrow.

Then your phone rang. Is was a number you'd never seen beforeand you picked up.
'Hello?' You asked.
'Hey, (y/n) it's Kaya.'
'Oh. Hi, whats up?'
'I was wondering if maybe you want to hang out with me today, we could grab lunch in town... You, Tom and me? It would be fun.'
'Sounds fun, wait, I'll ask Thomas if he wants to join us.' Thomas frowned at me and I put my hand on the microphone thing in my phone. 'It's Kaya, she's wondering if we could grab lunch with her in town.'
Thomas nodded. 'Movie starts at 4.20, so we have to be there at 4, yeah?'
'Okay. I'm looking forward to it.' You blew a kiss to him and Thomas smiled.
You put the phone against your ear again. 'You drive, pick us up in 20 minutes, yeah? You're still in that hotel just out of town right? Where are the guys by the way?'
'Yes, I'm still there. Dylan, Will and Jacob left early for an interview for some magazine, so... I wanted to hang out with you guys. Looking forward to it! I'll pick you up! Bye!'
'Bye Kaya!' You hang up. Thomas walked towards you and put his arms around your waist. He looked down at you, grinning. 'What?' You asked, smiling. 'Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?'
You rolled your eyes and frowned. 'No, I don't think so...' You smiled.
'You're so beautiful.'
'I'm not wearing any make-up and I've cried all morning, so I don't think so.'
'You don't need make-up. You are beautiful just te way you are.' Thomas answered tender. He kissed you, a kiss full of passion. First a small kiss on the lips and then he stared into your eyes and kissed you rougher. You put your arms around his neck and kissed him back, you granted him permission to explore your mouth and you could feel the sweetness of his tongue. It tasted like strawberries. You fell down on the couch, still making out, he was laying on top of you now. You held his face with both of your hands, stroking it. Your hands began to wander around his body and you could feel his hands on your body, too. You kissed him even rougher and you moved with your body, the both of you fell on the ground. 'Shit... Sorry.' You whispered and began to laugh. Thomas laughed and shook his head, and kissed you again.

'I have to do my make-up...' You said when you let go. Thomas puppy eyed you and you pushed him away, laughing. Thomas stood up and helped you up. He gave you a kiss on your fore head, and you walked to the bathroom.

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