Chapter 16

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You woke up and saw that Thomas was already out of bed. There were coming soft sounds of music from downstairs. You quickly put on an old T-shirt of Thomas, checked yourself in the bathroom mirror - most of the make-up from yesterday was still there - and walked downstairs.
You entered the living room and saw that Thomas was cooking. (Thomas had an open kitchen) He was dancing with a pan on the radio music and he hadn't noticed you had entered the room yet. You just stared at him dancing, and began to laugh.
'Good morning.' You said.
'Oh good morning, love. I didn't knew you were awake yet. I was gonna make you breakfast for in bed. What do you want, fried egg or scrambled egg?' He smiled and had stopped dancing.
'Well, I can go back to bed, can't I?' You smiled and added, 'Fried egg, please, you're the best.' You sat down on a chair at the table and watched Thomas cook.

'So I was wondering, is there going to be a second Maze Runner movie, the Scorch Trials?' You didn't want him to go away but you did wanted for him to have work...

Thomas looked over his shoulder and nodded. 'Yes, Wes is already preparing everything and we're going to shoot in March. In two months.'

'Wow, that's great. Where are you shooting it?' You hoped it wasn't to far from here.

'I don't know yet.'

'Okay, can I help you with something?'

'Nope, it's almost ready.' He turned back to the stove. You just sat there, staring at him. He was so amazing. I'm so lucky, you thought. Thomas was dancing again, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of it.

When he was finished, he brought the food upstairs.

You sat on the bed, next to Thomas. You were eating eggs with onions and tomatoes on toast and strawberries and raspberries. It was so delicious.

Thomas was talking on the phone with someone while you were in the shower, and when you were back he looked concerned. 'Hey, what's wrong?'

'Kaya called me. She said she read this article online...' He glanced at you sideways, 'you remember that photographer in that diner yesterday?'

You nodded.

'Well, the picture he took is all over the internet. Look, I don't mind people talking about us... Dating. But I can understand if you do.'

'I don't mind. People can know. But it does make me a bit nervous, though.'

'I understand. Are you sure?'

'Yes, we can't hide inside this house. I don't want that. Plus, I'm the luckiest girl in the world and I don't want to hide that.' You walked over at Thomas and wrapped your arms around him. He hugged you back, grinning. When you let go he kissed you on your lips. 'I love you.' He said.

'I love you too.'

'(Y/n), I can't stand this anymore. I don't want us to just be dating. Do you want to be my girlfriend?'

'Yes!' You almost yelled, without hasitation, you were so happy. You made out again. You smiled in the kiss, and he smiled, too.

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