Chapter 20

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You were sitting on the sofa, Thomas was making you breakfast. After 5 minutes, he sat down next to you with two plates with sandwiches and fruits. You were still having a bit of a dip, you were really shocked about the comments. There were a couple sweet comments, though, like: I'm happy that you are together, take good care of him x and You look so happy together. Sweet couple, planning on marrying soon? :P All the luck in the world, love. But there were much more bad comments. You sighed. 'Should I delete my Instagram page?' You looked at Thomas and took another bite out of your egg sandwich. Thomas shook his head. 'Hell no. I'm not into that stuff, but you are. Don't let those people control you, just delete those nasty comments and make sure only the people who matter can follow you. I can do it if you want.'

You nodded. 'The only one who matters to me, is you, though. But you're right. Thank you.' You gave him a kiss on his lips. He chuckled. 'You are welcome. Now eat your sandwich, your boyfriend's order.'

You laughed and took another bite of the sandwich. 'I like the sound of that. Sure.' You said with mouth full. 'Good girl.' Thomas said, smiling. 'So I was thinking we should do a real date. Like a fancy date, dinner and a movie.'

Your heart melted. 'I'd love that.' You smiled and made out again. Then you quickly finished your sandwich. 'So was I annoying yesterday? I can't remember much.'

'No, you were decent. The guys left right after you went to bed. You were sleeping like a little baby when I went to bed. You are adorable.' He look down, and chuckled. 'Jacob and Will thought you were much fun and they all really like you, (Y/n), you shouldn't be so insecure.'

You rolled your eyes. 'I'm not adorable. And I'm working on my insecurities, really, I am.'

'You know, maybe you should talk about it. About what you've been trough... About your parents and aunt. To someone professional.'

'I wanted to... A long time ago... But I'm scared, Tom, so scared.'

'I know, baby. I can come with you. I can be by your sight, when you need a hand you can hold mine.'

You smiled, fighting against your tears. 'Do you have enough time for that?'

'I have enough time for you, love. If you want me to...'

'I think I can do it, if you are by my side.' You reached for his hand. Thomas held it, and stroked your hand with his thumb.

'Then we'll do it. Together.' He said with a tender voice.

'Tom?' You looked up at him again. 'I love you so much.'

'I love you too.' He kissed you again.

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now