Chapter 31

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Kaya came back with fruits and sandwiches, and Thomas and Kaya sat down on your bed while youhad a little picnic. It was fun and delicious.

Thomas left to shower in the public bathroom while Kaya sat down next to you.
'Are you okay, (y/n)?' She asked with concerned eyes.
'I feel totally fine. Really. Thank you so much for being here, I mean... You don't have to or anything.'
'Yeah, well what are friends for?' Kaya giggled and you smiled.
'Thanks anyways.'
'You're welcome, love. Dylan and Ki Hong want to come over later, are you okay with that?'
'Sounds great, but... I look horrible.'
Kaya grinned. 'I might have brought something for that.' Kaya stood up to pick up her purse and opened it, she took something out of it. Her make-up bag. Thank god, you thought.
'You are my saving angel.' You said enthusiastic.
'I know.' Kaya smiled and sat down on your bed, started with a bit of foundation. Then she filled in your brows, put on some mascara, some blush, and a light pink lipstick. She took a small mirror out of her make-up bag and gave it to you. You glanced to your reflexion, you looked fine besides the bandage on your head.
'Thank you...' You whispered. 'I feel a bit more human.'
Kaya laughed 'that was what I was going for.'
You smiled and handed her the mirror, she put everything back in her purse.

'Woah hey gorguess.' Thomas' voice from the door opening. You glanced at him; his hair was wet, he looked hot as always. 'You look a bit more... You?' Thomas smiled and walked over to your bed and gave you a small kiss on your lips.
Kaya nodded her head and smiled 'She does, doesn't she?'
Thomas dragged another chair from the corner of the room and planted it next to where Kaya sat.
'Dylan and Ki Hong are coming over later.' Kaya said to him and he nodded.
'Dylan texted me.' He answered, and smiled. 'How are you feeling, (y/n)?'
'I feel good.' You answered. It was the truth; the pain was almost gone and the two people you cared the most about were with you. Your best friend and your boyfriend. Okay, the hospital room was depressing but you didn't care. Still, you couldn't wait to get out of this hospital, to wake up in Thomas' bed, next to him. To see him dance with a pan in the morning. To watch a movie with him in his livingroom. To live the simple life with him.

Lilly entered your room to check up on you, and to change your bandage.
She sat down on the side of your bed, she had a ray to measure your blood-pressure. Your blood-pressure was normal, still a bit low but accaptable. She changed the bandage - your wound was almost completely healed - and she did a pupil reflexion test. Then she had to take a little blood and she left again. You would get the results of the blood later this midday, if they are good you can go home later this week: amazing news.

Kaya and Thomas looked really happy and relieved about that, and so were you. But now you had to wait for the results... And you were kind of nervous.
'It'll be fine, (Y/n).' Kaya said and smiled.
'I know... Just nervous. I feel good.' You smiled back at her and Thomas nodded. 'It'll be fine, we're here the intire time.'
You nodded.

Dylan and Ki Hong entered the room.
'Hey guys!' Dylan said enthusiastic. 'How are you, (y/n)? You look much better then the last time we saw you.'
They walked over to your bed and hugged Kaya and Thomas. Then they hugged you, and Ki Hong handed you a box full of candy bars.
'Seriously? When I leave this hospital I'm fat.' You rolled your eyes and laughed. 'Thank you guys so much.'
'You're welcome, you scared us, sweetie.' Dylan answered while he laughed, then his expression changed, he looked serious, concerned.
'I'm fine, now. If my blood results are good I can go home by the end of the week.' You answered.
'Woah, seriously?' Dylan turned towards Thomas, who nodded grinning. Then they hugged again, it was the most adorable bromancy thing you'd ever seen. When they let go, you saw that Thomas' eyes were wet... You reached out for his hand he took it. You slightly squeezed it while you tried to smile but you couldn't help but let a tear escape.
'I'm sorry.' You whispered and Thomas bowed forward to wipe the tear away and kiss you. 'I love you.' He said while he sat back.
'Oh, lord,' Kaya said while she let out a sob and wiped her tear away, 'here I go.' She smiled, and Ki Hong put his arm around her.

Then Lilly walked in with a big smile. 'Good news, honey.'

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