Chapter 12

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You woke up and looked at your phone. Crap. 9.30. You'd probably missed Thomas, he had to do an interview. You walked towards the kitchen, still wearing Thomas' shirt (it was almost like a dress because you're so tiny). You found a note, and it said:

Good morning,
Interview till 12, will be back 12.30.
There're eggs and cold pizza, make yourself a breakfast.
See you - T

You smiled, and walked over at the fridge.

Thomas walked in while you were watching TV. You'd already showered and dressed.
'Hello there.' His Brittish accent obvious.
'Oh, Hey Thomas, how was the interview?' You put the TV off.
Thomas smiled. 'It was great. How are you?'

'I'm feeling really good, I slept very well. Haven't slept so good in ages.' You smiled back at him.

'That's amazing. Do you want to grab some food in town? I'm starving. What did you eat for breakfast?'

'Sure, I'll grab my bag. Cold pizza.'

'That sounds good. So, where do you want to go?'

'We could eat something in town, if you like? I know this place, it's not far from here.' You answered while you walked towards the kitchen, where you'd left your bag yesterday.

'Sounds good. I'll ride, you can sit on the back seat. I have an helmet you can wear.'


You sat on the back seat and held Thomas at his leather jacket. It felt good. You gave him directions, it wasn't far from here.
After 10 minutes you arrived, and you stepped of the motorcycle. You took the helmet off, and brushed with your hand trough your hair. You saw that a girl was staring at you and Thomas from across the street. You regonised that girl from school.

Thomas had parked the motorcycle and you entered the diner. You and Thomas sat down in the corner.
The waitress gave you the menu and you decided what you wanted.
'One coke and a chicken salat for me.' You said.

'Make that two coke and a ham cheese sandwich, please.' Thomas added.

The waitress walked away and you stared at Thomas. 'So I'm going to rehearse with my band tonight. You should come.'

Thomas smiled, and answered 'I'd love to!'

Then that girl you'd seen across the street was standing next to your table. With Jake. Great.

'Can we help you?' Thomas asked.

'Hey (y/n), is this your newest catch?' Jake said, and my stomach twisted. No, not here. Not in front of Thomas... You thought. But you didn't answer him. You just stared at the table, like a coward.

'Dude, what's your problem?' Thomas said, his voice sounded angry.

'Jake, come on don't be mean.' The girl smirked. 'So you're Thomas right?' She offered Thomas her hand.

'Yeah...' Thomas said, and ignored her hand. It was funny, so you grinned.

'What are you laughing at, you little slut?' Jake asked, or almost yelled. 'Oh, you didn't know dude? You're dating the slut of the town. I'd get out of her life if I were you, you seem like a nice guy. She'll only crush your little heart.'

'Jake, just stop.' You were fighting against your tears. He's going to ruin everything. All the happiness with Thomas will be destroyed.

'You heared her. Just go.' Thomas said, with coldness all over his voice. You hadn't heard him talk like this before, his voice was usually really soft and warm.

'Gladly.' Jake said and took the girl's hand. The girl waved meanly and smiled before they walked away.

You covered your face with your hands. 'I'm so sorry you had to witness that.'

'They don't know anything, okay? They're mean bullies. They saw that we're happy and they try to destroy that. But they can't. Hey, just look at me.'  He took your hands and wiped your tears away. Then he leaned forward and gave you a soft, quick kiss on your lips. There were butterflies in your stomach and they were killing you. Like you exploded. When you let go, you held his face with your hand and kissed him again. You smiled in the kiss, you'd never felt so happy. Not even when your parents and aunt were alive. And somehow you felt a little bad about it, but kissing him just felt so good. Then the waitress interrupted the moment, she brought your food and drinks.

Thomas was chuckling and looked at the food. 'That looks amazing, thanks.' He said to the waitress.
'You're welcome, hun.' The women said while she walked away.

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