Chapter 75

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You and Thomas drove to the open place where you two used to hang out, in the woods. You laid down on the grass, Thomas beside you. The weather was okay, although you did see really dark clouds come your way.
You stroked your stomach and smiled. 'I should call Kaya.' You whispered and sat up. 'I promised her and she would like to know this amazing -'
Thomas took your faced in his hands, kissing you abruptly and laid you on the ground. 'We'll tell her later.' He whispered an you nodded, biting your lips and kissing him again.
You kissed for a while like that and then Thomas helped you up.
'Let's walk.' He took your hand and you walked to the path.

You and Thomas talked about practical things about your pregnancy, like when to make it public or tell people. You agreed to after the 13th week, because if the baby's healthy, it's still possible to have a miscarriage. That's most possible between 8 and 13 weeks. (This information came from a little pregnancy magazine Thomas took with him from the hospital).
Thomas would be there with you the first echo. In a month. The people who already knew of course would be updated along the way, but you did want them to keep it quiet.

You started to giggle, suddenly. Thomas stopped walking and glanced at you, 'What is it?'
'It's like I got another chance, you know? To create a life where my aunt should have. I know it's weird and superstition.' You purched your lips.
'No, it's not. I like that thought. Lilly?'
You glared up at him and felt your eyes get watery.
'If it's a girl...' Thomas said.
You let out a sob and nodded. 'Lilly.' You said, smiling. You wrapped your arms around him. 'And if it's a boy..?' You whispered in his ear.
'How about...' He thought about it. Then said 'Jasper or Luke.'
You liked that. 'Luke. I love that name.'
'Alright. Luke or Lilly!'
You nodded. 'Luke or Lilly.'

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