Chapter 27

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You could hear people mumbling, as if it was far, far away. The voices became louder and louder and soon you could hear Thomas' voice. He was in panick. Relieve rushed through your body, he was okay. But how is Kaya..?
"The car... It just came out of no where..." Kaya's voice. She sounded scratchy. She was talking to a man, you could hear that. You slowly opened your eyes.
"(Y/n)... Just relax, okay? Oh, god..." Thomas' cheeks were wet and his eyes were red. He was holding your hand, you looked down and could see his hand was covered in blood. You nodded, the pain to overwelming to speak.

You were lying on a stretcher, a paramedic was already pushing it towards the ambulance. You could see Kaya talking to a cop, she looked fine besides a bruise on her cheek. Thank god, she's fine, too, you thought.
"Kaya, come on." Thomas said, and Kaya and Thomas walked along with the stretcher.

Kaya squeezed your other hand, whispering that it will be okay and stuff.
Somewhere on the road you blacked out again, still holding on to Thomas' bloody hand and Kaya's soft hand.

You woke up in a hospital room, and as soon as you opened your eyes, Thomas bowed over you.
"Hey beautiful, how are you?" He smiled, he looked like he hadn't slept in days. Dark wings under his eyes, his eyes were red and he looked paler then he used to. Still, he was so beautiful.
You smiled and moaned. "Hey... The pain is mostly gone."
"I'm glad. You're on morphine, so that explains it." His voice was really gentle and he was stroking your hand.
"What happened?"
Thomas' face changed, he looked more serious, in pain. "A car bumped into our car, on your side of the car. The docters say you're lucky... You went in surgery and it succeeded."
"Wait... surgery?" You asked in shock.
"Yes, we... thought you weren't gonna make it."
"How long ago was the accident?"
"Two weeks.."
You let out a sob "Oh my god... Are you okay, though? And how's Kaya?"
"We're fine, Kaya stayed with me in the hospital these two weeks. She's getting us coffee... I'm so glad you're okay." He bowed over you and wrapped his arms around your body. "I'm so, so sorry (y/n)." He whispered through sobs.

When he let go of you, you could see the tears on his cheeks. You suddenly felt guilty, and you stroked his tears away with all the strenght you had in your arms and hands.
"I'm gonna get the nurse." Thomas whispered and left the room.

You looked around the room and toutched your head. You could feel a bandage. You looked down and saw that your leg was in a bandage, too. Great, you thought. You glanced at the night stand, there stood beautiful flowers and lot's of cards and candy. You wondered who gave these presents to you. You were wearing hospital clothing; short sleeves. Automatically you glanced at your scars on your arm, there was a big bruise that covered most of it, and you sighed out of relieve. The docters otherwise have a lot of questions, you thought.
"(Y/n)!" Kaya ran in and put two coffees down on the nightstand. She looked terrible; dark wings under her eyes and she still had a bruise on her cheek. Her eyes were red just like Thomas'.
"Hey." You answered with your weak voice and smiled.

Kaya wrapped her arms around you and gave you a kiss on your cheek. Then she fell down on the chair next to your bed. She held your hand. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay."
"God... I'm so sorry." She let out a sob.
You stroked her hand and sighed. "It's not your fault, Kaya. Please know that."
"I'm just glad you're okay, now." She smiled a bit but it was more of a grimace.
That's when Thomas walked in with a nurse.

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