Chapter 14

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You had been in all the roller coasters, it was so much fun! Thomas enjoyed it, too, you could see it on his face. You'd made a selfie with him in the roller coaster while you were kissing him. Cheesy, of course, but these are the happy moments you have to hold on to.

Now you were walking towards the snack shop while you were holding his hand. You knew people were staring at the two of you, but you didn't care. As crazy as it was, you didn't.

You stood in front of the little pink and white house, the women asked you what you wanted. 'I would like to have a candy floss, please.' You said.

'Medium, small or large?'

'Small, please.' You smiled.

'And what can I get you?'

'Make that a medium candy floss, I'll share with the girl.' He answered, and glanced at you. 'If that's okay of course.'

You nodded, and the women handed you the pink candy floss. It was much bigger then your head, and you had to move it to look at the women again. 'Thank you.'

Thomas took his wallet and you stopped him. 'I can pay... You payed for lunch already.'

'I don't mind.' Thomas said while he handed a 5 dollar bill over at the women. 'You can keep the rest,  thank you.'

'Thank you sir.' The women said while you walked away.

You sat down on a bench and glanced at Thomas. 'You didn't have to pay, Tom. But thank you.'

'Really, it's okay (y/n).' He smiled while he plucked a bit of candy floss of and put it in his mouth. You smiled at him and took a bite of candy floss too.


You were sitting in a photo booth. You've never been in one before.

'4 or 6 photo's?' You asked Thomas as you install the thing.

'Uhh... 4?'

'Okay. If I push this button it will start counting down.'


You pushed the button and smile into the camera, Thomas his arms were around you. The next photo you made a silly face, the 3th photo you looked into Thomas'  eyes, smiling like a crazy person, arms around his neck. The last picture you were kissing.

You picked up the pictures outside the photo booth, you'd let it develop twice; one for you one for Thomas. You looked at it, and smiled. It's such an happy row of pictures. You handed Thomas his copy and he looks at it. He smiled as he looked at it. 'Aw, look at us.' He said, and he put an arm around you. 'It's a nice picture.'

You walked over at the beach and sat down on the sand. 'So I have to be at the shed around 8.30, you still want to come?'

'Yeah, I do. The shed?'

'Yeah, we rehearse at Mike's shed... He's the drummer.'


'So, we could eat a hot dog or something, enjoy the sunset, then pick up my guitar and go over there?'

'Sounds great!' Thomas smiled, and wrapped his arms around you. You laid your head down on his shoulder.
'You know, two weeks ago I could not imagine me being so happy right now.' You looked up at Thomas, smiling.

'I'm glad to hear that you're happy now. You make me happy, too. I don't want you to be sad or hurt.' He answered with a soft voice, and he gave you a kiss on your forhead.

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