Chapter 60

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It had been a month without Thomas now. You missed him so much it hurt, and despite the calls the feeling of loss didn't go away. Things were good, though, with the band and work. The rehearsals went great and you managed to write a lot of songs that worked. The band was improving themselves, more and more people started to notice you and YouTube. Despite all the good stuff, you still missed Thomas by your side and you needed him. Sometimes you couldn't sleep because you felt like there was a hole in your stomach. It grew as time past.

So that's why you called Kaya. It was so great to talk to her again, you hadn't talked to her on the phone, only on Whatsapp since she left. She was enjoying life on set very much. She told you about everything, then asked how you were doing.

'I miss Thomas. And you ofcourse!' You admitted.
'I know. Thomas misses you too, I can see it. You know what? I've got an idea!' Kaya suddenly sounded very excited. 'Come over next weekend. We'll have a weekend off and it'll be so much fun if you come over, as a surprise for Thomas! Would you like that?'
I gasped and started to smile. 'Yes, of course. That sounds amazing!' You would see him next weekend! The joy you suddenly felt was so big.
'Great! I'll text you the address of the hotel and we'll discuss the time, oh, and make sure it stays a surprise! Thomas will be so happy!'
I giggled. 'So will I. Thank you so much Kaya, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again.'
'Great, see you next weekend then.' Kaya answered.
'I'll see you then. I love you, bye!'
'I love you too, bye!'
You hung up.

You couldn't wait to see Thomas, so the next week went by really slow. You spoke to Thomas on the phone every night, but you kept the surprise visit a secret.

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