Chapter 18

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After your shift at the bar, you headed straight to Thomas' home. You opened the door and walked in. Loud sounds were coming from the living room, so you assumed they hadn't heard you come in yet. You laid down your bag and looked in the mirror that hang in the hallway. You looked a bit tired but still decent, so you walked to the livingroom.
You entered the room and Kaya noticed you as first.
'(Y/n)! Hello!' She walked over to you and hugged you.
'Hey!' You said.

They were all sitting in a circle with beer, snacks and shots, they were probably doing a drinking game.
'Hello, love!' Thomas said, smiling, and you walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his lips.

'I'm Will!' The blond haired guy said and you shook his hand and smiled. 'Hello! I'm (y/n)'

'I'm Jacob.' The other "new" boy said while you shook his hand.

'So nice to meet you.' You answered, and smiled.

Dylan and Ki Hong hugged you and you sat down between Thomas and Kaya. 'How was work?' Thomas asked while he wrapped his arms around you. 'It was okay, what are we doing?'

'Drinking game.' Kaya said, smiling.

'I'm in!' You said with a big smile. Everyone else began to laugh, and Thomas gave you a kiss on your cheek and handed you a shot glass. 'Thanks. What game are we doing?'

'Never have I ever.' Dylan said.

'Great. Who's turn?'

'Your turn.'

'Never have I ever acted in a movie!' I smirked, and began to laugh.

'You're mean. But I like you.' Jacob said while he lifted the bottle of vodka. Everybody laughed and drank their shots.

'Never have I ever done drugs.' Kaya, Jacob, Dylan, Thomas and me had to do shots. This was fun. It was a long time ago you drank with friends, mostly you would just drink with random boys that were interested. You drank because you were sad. But that time was over. Now, you had friends you could do shots with, just for fun. And you loved the thought of that.


Half an hour later, you were a bit winged and giggly. But you weren't drunk yet. You thought Kaya was, she was acting so funny.

'Sweetie you should be on the ground.' Dylan said to me, laughing.

'I am not even drunk.' You giggled.

'You have some tolerance for such a small body.' Thomas said, and you just smiled up at him. You laid with your head on his upper legs, you just stared up at him, at how beautiful his jaw was from this prospect. Maybe you were drunk after all.

'It's so hot in here. Can we go outside?' Kaya said and she pulled on your leg.

'Sure.' You said, and sat up. The world spinned around you, yep, you were drunk.

'Thomas.' You stared into his beautiful eyes and kissed him. Not a small kiss, like, really kiss him. In front of his friends. Embarrassing. But you didn't think he cared, he just kissed you back, full of passion.

'(Y/n), come on.' Kaya said and she took your hand, giggling.

'Mm.' You said while you still made out with Thomas. The way he touched your cheek just felt so good. When you let go of him, you stood up, almost fell over and walked to the backyard, giggling next to Kaya. 'See you later!' You yelled at the boys, and you began to giggle.

You laid down in the grass, the world was spinning even more. Kaya laid down next to you, giggling. 'You and Thomas are so cute together.' She said, and sighed. Then she began to giggle again, she was looking up towards the sky.

You stared up at the sky, too, the stars were very clear this night.

'It's beautiful.' You said, and tried to sit up. You needed a cigarette. After a minute of struggle, you were able to sit up without falling over. The world was spinning a bit. You lit a cigarette for Kaya and for you. You handed it over at Kaya.

'Thanks, (Y/n)' Kaya said while she sat up a bit, and inhaled it. You did the same thing.

You smoked a cigarette with Kaya, and walked back inside. You didn't feel so great.

'Thomas, can you help me with walking upstairs?'

'Sure, love.' He walked over at you and looked a bit concerned. 'You drank to much.'

'Yes... I'm sorry.' You felt so bad for drinking again.

'That's okay, come on.' He lifted you bridal style again, and carried you to his bed room.

'I hope your friends like me... Probably not. I used to be much more fun.' You sighed. Thomas laid you down on his bed and sat down next to you.

'They do, don't worry. I love you. You're just tired, just sleep it of, okay?'

You nodded and immediately dozed of.

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