Chapter 26

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You opened your eyes slowly, your eyes were adjusting to the bright sunlight that came from the window, so you squeezed them a bit shut again. You opened them again. You looked next to you, Thomas sat against the ceiling of the bed, headphones in his ears. His eyes were closed but you knew he was awake. His head was moving in a rhythm. When he opened his eyes and noticed you, he smiled an put his headphones and iPod away.
'Goodmorning, love.' He said, grinning. He looked still a bit sleepy but so pretty, messy hair, sleepy eyes.
'Good morning.' You answered smiling. You thought back of last night, your date night had been perfect. You had kissed and done other stuff in bed afterwards...
Yes, it had been perfect.
'Kaya texted.' Thomas chuckled and looked you in the eyes. 'She asked how our date night had been.' He rolled his eyes.
'Yes, she's like, a big fan of you and us as a couple. She's happy for us.'
'She's so sweet.'
'Yep.' Thomas leaned forward and gave you a kiss on your lips. 'Come on, let's eat breakfast. Are you hungry?'
You nodded and smiled. You rolled over and stood up. You quickly walked over at the closet. 'Can I borrow a T-shirt?'
'Of course.'

Thomas had made you eggs with toast, and you ate it. You showered, and got dressed. You were doing your make-up when Kaya arrived. You heared Thomas and Kaya talk downstairs and Kaya yelled 'Hello.' to you.
'Hey, I'll be down in a minute.' You yelled back.
You quickly put on some lipstick, you didn't wear much make-up. You walked down the stairs and hugged Kaya. She gave you a kiss on your cheek in the kiss. You smiled and grabbed your brown leather jacket.
'Let's go.' Thomas said and smiled at you and Kaya.

Kaya was driving, already for an hour, and she put the radio on. You were sitting on the front seat next to her, and you were staring at Thomas' reflexion in the car mirror. You silently sang along with a song that was on the radio, and Kaya said 'Wow, you can sing pretty good.'
You blushed and answered 'Thanks.' But you stopped singing, singing for a intimate group made you nervous. You were comfortable with singing in front of Thomas, but in front of Kaya, was still a bit scary. You just hummed a bit, head outside of the window, looking up at the blue sky. The wind blew your (y/hc) in your face a bit, and it tickled.

'We're almost there.' Kaya said and went of the high road. You sat back in your seat, as crazy as it was you were looking forward towards the interview. To witness it... So the closer you got the more excited you became.

'(Y/n) just in case there are questions about... Us.' I loved the way Thomas pronounced 'us' in this sentence, and I glanced at him in the mirror. Our eyes met and his mouth slightly curled into a smile.

'Just tell them.' I answered, and smiled back at him.

'Are you gonna make it public that you are dating?' Kaya asked surprised.

'Yeah, why not? We've already been photographed and seen by multiple people. I don't want it to be a secret, Kaya, I love him.' You answered. You unbuckled your seatbelt and turned around at Thomas. He bowed forward and you gave him a small kiss on his lips.
'Love you babe.' Thomas whispered.
'I love you too.' You stroked his cheek with your hand. You were smiling like a crazy person and sat back in your seat, staring in his beautiful eyes through the mirror. He was smiling, too, joy was running through his beautiful, brown eyes.

That's when it happened. You could hear Kaya scream, then something bumped into the car. Your body jerked forward, bumping into the window. It hurt so bad, you could feel the blood rushing down your cheek and you screamed. You wanted to turn around, to see if Thomas was okay but you couldn't move.
Suddenly you heared his voice, calling your name, screaming it. You wanted to scream back, extreme pain rushing through you head and your leg got stuck between things, that hurt too. You lifted your head but then blackness took you.

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