Chapter 66

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Your alarm went off at 30 past 3. You sat up in bed, quickly turning it off. You glared at Thomas, sighing. There was a pit in your stomach, how could you leave him? He slowly opened his eyes and sat up as well. 'I'll trow some clothes on, and then it's time for me to leave.' You said, feeling completely and utterly sad.

He nodded understanding and yawned. You put some comfortable clothes on, brushed your hair and teeth and glared at Thomas. He stood up and hugged you, holding you close. Keeping you like that for a while. Comfortable and warm. The place you belonged.
'Always remember I love you, so much... I'll miss you.' He whispered gently.
You nodded and you felt your eyes get wet. You placed a long kiss on his lips and let out a sob. Thomas  smiled and wiped your tears away, you saw him fight against his own. 'God, saying goodbye is so hard...' He admitted and you hugged again.
'I know. I love you, Thomas.' You glared into his eyes and you kissed passionately. You brushed your fingers through his hair lovingly, holding his hand with your other hand.
'Goodbye sweetness.' You grinned at him. He stroked your cheek and a tear made its  way down his cheek. 'Goodbye.'
You let go of his hand and slowly turned around, leaving the room. You looked back once, then walked straight to your car.


After about an half an hour drive you stopped at the small village where you and Thomas went to the day before yesterday to tank your car and get some coffee at the little store. You had to stay awake in the car. It was completely dark when you parked the car - there wass almost no light apart the lights inside the store. A group of guys stood next to it, and whistled at you. They said something to you in Mexican and you quickly tanked your car, feeling uncomfortable.

You got some coffee and paid for the tank. When you returned to your car the guys stood in front of you. They again said something Mexican. 'Just get out of my way please.' You said quietly.
The guys laughed at you and yelled things to each other. One took a few steps towards me and grabbed you, together they dragged you to a dark alley. You yelled and kicked - but there were three of them and one of you. There was no way out. One of them ripped your jacket off, it was freezing cold so I yelled them not to, kicking and screaming. What are they planning? I cried and yelled when the other clothes followed. They kicked me in my stomach when I laid, almost naked, onto the cold stone ground. The pain didn't sink through my brain until later - I was paralyzed, afraid and freezing cold.

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