Chapter 35

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The surprise party lasted all day - at night only Thomas' friends stayed and you ordered Thai food.
You went to bed early, you where so tired you fell alseep on the couch so Thomas helped you to the bed room. He was so good for you and took so good care for you. You just knew you where the luckiest girl alive.

Next day, you woke up early. Thomas was sleeping next to you, and you sighed out of relieve that it wasn't just a really good dream; you really were back home. Well, at Thomas' home, but that felt like your home, too.
You put your head on Thomas' chest, closing your eyes and listening to his heart beating. It was beating really slow, and it made you feel comfortable. You fell in sleep again.

'Hey, (y/n)? Are you awake?' Thomas whispered, he was stroking your cheek. You were laying on your side of the bed again, and Thomas held out a place of delicious food. 'Breakfast.' He said grinning.

You sat up and yawned, brushing through your hair with your fingers. 'What time is it?' You asked.
'9 o'clock. I made you some food, here.' He handed you the plate.
'Thanks, sweetie.' You answered, gazing at the food. 'Looks good.'
'Mm-mm.' Thomas answered while he sat down next to you, with 2 cups of delicious smelling coffee in his hands.
'You're the best.' You said slowly while you glanced at him.

'I know.' Thomas answered chuckling, and put your cup of coffee on the night stand, bowing over you and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
'So did the party last long after I left?' You asked and put a strawberry in your mouth.
'They left an hour later, or sometthin''
'Mmm.' You groaned with mouth full.
'I was surprised by how many people came.' You said slowly after you'd swallowed your food.
'What do you mean?' Thomas frowned.
'Well, I mean that I didn't think so many people would care if I was home or not. I used to wonder that when I... Well... Soon after my parents died, I wondered if people would care if I just disappeared. I was planning to travel around the world, but also... I wondered if they would care if I died you know? I've thought about suicide so much.' You smiled, shaking with your head. 'I'm so glad I haven't done that, I wouldn't have met you then.'
Thomas was staring to the blanket, clearly processing what you'd just said.
'I'm sorry.' You said immediately, regretting all the things you'd just said.
'You're sorry?' Thomas sounded a bit angry.
'Yeah, for -'
'(Y/n) I can't tell you how sorry I am. I don't want you to feel like that anymore. Just the thought of you... Not being here anymore is unbearable. And the thought of you thinking about stepping out of life willingly...' Thomas shook his head, he looked like he was in pain. You sighed, pricking a strawberry with your knife.
'I don't want that anymore. That was when I was a sad little girl with a drinking problem. I'm different now.  I like the girl that I've become, because of you.' You grinned and took a zip of coffee.
Thomas cupped your chin in his hands and gave you a gentle kiss on your nose. 'I'm glad.'

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