Chapter 9

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'Hello, I'm Kaya.' Kaya said when she stood in front of you. She pulled you into a hug.
'I'm (y/n). It's so nice to meet you!'

'Yeah, same. Thomas has told me lots about you.' Kaya said, and giggled. 'He's right, you are pretty.'

You could feel yourself blush, and asked surprised 'Did he really?'

'Yeah, ofcourse he did.'

'What are you two talking about? I'm Dylan.' Dylan said, and offered you his hand.

'Nothing, I'm (y/n). It's so nice we finally meet.' You shook his hand, and smiled.

'Yeah, it is.'

'I'm Ki Hong.' The asian guy said, and you shook his hand, too.

They all sat down on the sofa, and you sat down next to Kaya. Thomas was sitting in front of you, on the other side of the sofa and you glanced at him. He was looking at you, still a little concerned, but when your eyes met, he smiled slightly.


The guys were talking to each other, sometimes laughing hysterical.
Kaya turned to you. She was so pretty! And her eyes... How could you ever compete with that?

'So, Thomas...' She whispered. 'Did something happen already?'

You looked at her, and frowned. 'What do you mean?'

'Oh come on, you know. You like him, right? I get it, I mean just look at him. He's amazing.'
You looked at Thomas, he was laughing really loud, while he was flipping his hair back with his hand. He is gorgeous.

'Yeah, he is. But I'm not sure he feels the same way about me.' You were still whispering.

'Do you smoke?' She asked, randomly.


'We're just going to smoke outside, for a while.' Kaya declared to her friends, and took my hand.

'Eh, okay.' Thomas said, while you and Kaya walked towards the back door.

Kaya lit your cigarette and handed it over. You inhaled and exhaled it slowly.

'I didn't want them to hear us. Girl-talk needs to be private.' Kaya said, and smiled.

'Yeah, right.' You said while you smiled back to her and sat down on the grass. Kaya sat down next to you.

'Thomas is definally into you. I know him for a while now, and I've never heard him talk about someone like that. And I can see it in the way he looks at you. Oh, come on, (y/n) just make a move already!'

You laughed and looked at the ground. 'Thanks, Kaya. You're right, I'm really into him, and if he's really into me, why not go for it?'

'That's it, why not?' Kaya smirked.

'I'm afraid I'm gonna fuck things over.' You sighed.

'You won't. I promise.'

'Okay... I will.' You rolled your eyes.

'That's my girl! Come on, let's go back before they'll miss us.'

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