Chapter 36

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Days flew by and you were getting better really fast. Thomas took you out for dinner a few times and you even went out of town for a weekend. You loved every second of the time you had with him and you were dreading the day he would leave you temporarily for filming, but that was something you didn't tell him. You didn't want to be the overly attached girlfriend. You didn't want him to know just how obsessed you were with him...

Also you still was traumatized by your parents dead and you still wanted to talk to a psychologist. Thomas insisted on making an appointment for you - you were glad he did.


It was Monday morning and you would have your first conversation with her today and you where super nervous. Luckily, Thomas would be there to support you.
You where sitting on the sofa in the waiting room, nervously staring at the clock. What if she wouldn't understand? What if she would never be able to help you? Anxiety ran trough your body and Thomas sat down next to you, handing you coffee in a plastic cup. "Thanks." You whispered.
"You're welcome. Don't worry, sweetie," You looked up at him and he stared back at you with concerned eyes. Those eyes who always saw right trough you. Those eyes you would miss when he would leave..."you'll be alright. I'm here." He whispered.
"I know. I... I'm glad you are with me." You answered and took a sip of the strong coffee. Just what you needed. Caffeine. It was way to early and you rehearsed with your band till late last night, so you were very tired.

"(Y/n)" A woman's voice went through the waiting room. You looked up and saw a young woman with long brown, curly hair and a thin figure. She smiled at you and you stood up, followed by Thomas. You walked over at her and shook her hand, so did Thomas.
"I'm Luna Gilbert." The women introduced herself and gestured for you to follow her. You walked through the hallway, on both sides were doors. Lots of it. The building looked a bit like the hospital you lay in with those boring white walls and silly abstract paintings. Eventually she went into one room and you followed her. Inside there was a big  wooden table with seats on the sides, and the wall on the other side of the door was all glass. We were on the 15th floor, so you looked down at the beautiful town. The other walls were light green and there were huge lamps in the corner of the room and above the table.
The room was so different from what you expected, it was super stylish and you loved it.

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