Chapter 62

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I glanced at Kaya and sighed. 'Have you heard from (y/n), recently?' I asked her.
Kaya looked up and me and shook her head. 'No, why?'
'It's just... I haven't heard back from her today and it's not like her at all. We used to text all day and call after work... I'm worried.'
Kaya swallowed and smiled at me in a mysterious way. 'I'm sure she's alright, Thomas.' She said finally and I shook my head. 'Yeah, I'm sure she is...'

I rested my head against the wall and glared at Kaya. We were sitting on her bed in her hotel room. She glared at her phone, smiling, and she stood up from the chair.
'Come on, Thomas. Let's go downstairs. Dylan just texted me, they're all ready to get some drinks at the bar.'
I nodded and stood up. Kaya hugged me. 'Don't worry about (y/n), alright? You miss her, and that makes sense but I'm sure nothing's wrong.'
I nodded and we took the elevator downstairs.

My heart started beating in a quicker pace when I saw (y/n) sitting in the lobby. She immediately stood up and ran towards me, straight into my arms. I laughed and cried at the same time. I hugged her and stroked her hair, smelling her sweet sent.
'What are you doing here?!' I asked.
She let go of me and glared into my eyes. 'Surprise!' She sniffed, her eyes were wet and she smiled. She looked so beautiful, she took my breath away like always.
'God, I missed you.' I said and kissed her on her lips.

(Y/n) groaned and let go of me, glaring at me with her beautiful smile. She stroked my face lovingly, then turned to Kaya.
'Thanks, love!' She hugged her and grinned.
'So, you knew?' I asked Kaya and wrapped my arm around (y/n). I was so happy to finally be able to hold her again. I was so surprised and relieved she was alight.
'Kaya helped me with the plan!' (Y/n) told me enthusiastic. Kaya nodded grinning.
'I'm honestly so surprised and happy... Thanks, Kaya.' I said to her.
'Aw, you're welcome, love. Come here.' Kaya hugged me and when I let go of her her eyes were wet.
'Kaya?' (Y/n) asked, and put her hand on Kaya's shoulder.
'I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you guys. I'm all good. So, let me get the guys. I'll leave you two alone for a bit and then we'll go get hammered, yeah?' Kaya said and turned around. She took the stairs and soon she disappeared around the corner.

I turned towards (y/n). 'How are you, love? I really didn't expect you to be here right now.'
'I'm good now I'm with you again... The last couple weeks were rough for me without you, baby.' She said with a soft voice and she took my hand.
'I know. Me to.' I said, my voice sounded shaky.
She nodded and we were kissing again, we didn't stop until we heard giggles from behind us.
'Get a room!' I heard Ki Hong yell and we turned around.

'Hey guys.' (Y/n) said awkwardly and she walked over to the group to greet them.
'So good to see you again..' She said to Dylan and hugged her. 'Yeah, you too.'
'(Y/n)!' Ki Hong hugged her and she stood in front of Rosa.
'Hey, I'm (y/n).' She said and offered her hand.
She also introduced herself to Katherine and Jacob and she hugged the rest of the group, then walked back to me and we interlaced our fingers.

We walked towards the bar across the street and we sat behind it, ready for a beautiful evening. I didn't want to drink much, because I didn't need anything but (y/n) to have the perfect evening.

It was so much fun that night, however, (y/n) and I decided to go to my hotel room around 11 to be alone for a while.

We laid down on the bed, facing each other. 'So how has it been so far?' (Y/n) asked me.
'Fun! I'm enjoying it very much but there is a peace missing and that's you. It makes me sad. That's why I'm really happy you're here. How long will you stay for?'
(Y/n) nodded. 'Just this weekend. I'm needed at work immediately and I have to write a lot of songs and rehearse every night this week. We have to be ready for our performance in New York.' She sighed. 'I'm happy, though, that things are really good with the band. But I feel lots of pressure.' I stroked her arm lovingly, circling my fingers on her soft skin. 'I'm sure you'll handle it. You're an amazing singer and you'll perform like never before in New York. You'll blow the roof of that place. But I'm sorry you feel that much pressure.'
She nodded 'It's okay, really. If I don't keep busy I miss you to much.' She smiled vaguely and kissed my lips again. 'I'm so happy you're here.' I whispered in her ear and started to kiss her soft skin.

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