Chapter 43

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The couple few days went really fast by, you were preparing for Thailand. You were so excited, but scared at the same time. For the flight mainly:  it would be your first time in an airplane. But it would be alright, Thomas would be beside you.

Your alarm went and you groaned. You opened your eyes in a rush: today was the day! You would go to Thailand! Your stomach made silly turns as you glared at Thomas' sleepy head. 'How late is it?' He groaned.
You sat up in bed and turned your alarm off. '3 am.'
'Are you kidding me?' Thomas rolled his eyes and grabbed my pillow, putting it on his head.
'What? We have to leave the house at 4.30?' I defended myself.
Thomas came from behind the pillow. 'You need 1,5 hour to get ready for a flight over 10 hours?' Thomas said shaking his head and closed his eyes again. You grinned at him and bowed over him, placing a small kiss on his lips.
'I'm sorry for waking you, love.' You whispered and left the room to take a shower.

The reason you had to wake up so early is because you wanted to look awake and not super shitty on the airplane. Make up was the solution but you kept it natural. You walked towards the chair next to Thomas' side of the bed where you had laid down your clothes for today: a black, comfortable legging and a gray - white striped shirt with a black jacket. You had to be really quiet because Thomas was asleep again. He looked so peaceful and you didn't want to disturb him.

It was an 1 hour taxi drive towards the airport, and you both fell asleep in the car. Your plain boarded at 6.30, so you were on time. It was really busy at the gate, and you saw a girl take photo's of you and Thomas.
Thomas looked down at you and grinned. 'What's up?'
'That girl.' You pointed at the girl and he turned around to take a look. Three more girls stood beside her, giggling nervously and making picture with their cellphone. When Thomas looked their way, one waved at him and the other gestured him to come.
'Come on, let's see what they want.' I said and Thomas yawned. 'Okay!'
We walked over to them and Thomas held his hand on the small of my back.
The fans wanted Thomas' signature and to take pictures with Thomas and you. They knew who you are, and somehow that shocked you. However, the girls were really kind and respectful to both of you and didn't ask uncomfortable questions, so you didn't mind.

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