Chapter 70

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The next morning you woke up by the sound of Thomas' alarm.
You groaned and glared next to you. Your eyes met Thomas and you smiled. The pain this morning wasn't that bad. 'How are you feeling today?' He asked.
'Slightly better, I guess. I had a fun day with Kaya yesterday. I've told her everything... And we watched chickflicks all day. It was... Healing.' You took a deep breath.
Thomas frowned. 'You told her?'
You nodded. 'I trust Kaya.'
'Me to. She doesn't have any scenes today, so maybe she'll come over today as well.'
You nodded again. 'I hope so, it'll be fun.'
Thomas moved towards you and this time you didn't move back. He placed a soft and quick kiss on your lips and you smiled. 'I love you.' He whispered, glaring into your eyes.
'I love you to.' You answered.

Thomas got out of bed and quickly got changed. You wished him luck for today and he left. You glared at your phone. 5.30. Way to early for a Saturday morning. You turned around and fell asleep again.


You woke up and sat up in a rush, groaning out of pain. You just remembered. No... No no no no no. Slightly in panic, you picked up your phone and went to your agenda. Your heart sank when you realised: you were late. You ran towards the bath room and puked. No, it can't be. You glared at your reflexion in the mirror and placed a hand on your stomach. No! You started to sob. A knock on the door made you jump and you opened it.

'Kaya?' You asked, sobbing.
'What's wrong, love?'
You glared at her. 'I'm late.'
You let yourself fall into her arms and sobbed.
'What if I'm pregnant?' You asked, totally in panic when you let go of her.
'There's only one way to find out. You stay here, I'll get you a pregnancy test.' Her voice was serious.
You nodded and Kaya left.

You let yourself fall on the bed and you cried out of the pain that cost you. You sobbed while your thoughts were killing you. What if you were indeed pregnant? What if the child's father isn't Thomas? What if the child doesn't look like either of us since the father was Mexican with a darker skin then ours and dark hair? What if everyone will think you cheated up on Thomas? This could ruin our entire relationship... You were sobbing against your pillow with your hands in your hair, totally in panic.

Finally - after what felt like ages but were in fact only 20 minutes - Kaya returned with the pregnancy test. She handed it to you. 'I don't know what to do... What if-'
Kaya shook her head and interrupted you. 'First, take the test. I'll be here with you.'
'I can't be pregnant.' You sobbed silently.
Kaya nodded understanding. 'Have you and Thomas always been careful?'
You thought about it and shook your head once, glaring at the ground. 'Sometimes we forget...' You whispered.
'Take the test.' She whispered back at you.

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now