Chapter 56

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The upcoming week was more work and rehearsing with the band. You would have your first performance after the break Friday night. So every day, after work you would go to the shack.
Rehearsing and having fun all night. It became a habit that Thomas brought you food and stayed to watch.
It was a busy, normal week.

That Saturday the weather was horrible, so you and Thomas had a cozy day in.

Saturday night, however, you performed at the club with your band. Thomas came along, and you felt that amazing feeling again that night: the adrenaline rushing through your body while a dozen people glared at you, cheering, clapping, singing along... Thomas stood in the corner, glaring at you. You smiled at him and yours eyes met while you sang the songs, and he smiled back at you, his eyes twinkling of joy. Every moment he glared at you, smiling, flipping his hair back, it felt like someone kicked you in your stomach. It was an amazing feeling, knowing that he was yours. That soon you would be husband and wife.

After the performance, you and Thomas went straight home, walking through the rain under an umbrella. You still became wet, Thomas held the umbrella more towards him. So you decided not to care about ruing your make-up. You took the umbrella and folded it. Thomas glared at you and frowned. 'Now we'll both get wet.' He made a sad face and I laughed at him.
'Well, we can take a hot shower in 15 minutes, together.' I said grinning.
Thomas smiled cheeky and nodded. 'You're right, we could do that.'
He raised your hand and let you dance a pirouette. You laughed and squeaked, it started to rain even harder. Thomas chuckled and stopped walking. He pulled you towards him, and cupped your face in his hands. He kissed you tenderly, taking the umbrella out of your hands. He waved it above your head, which made you ever wetter. He'd just declared war. He knew this, and started to run. You ran behind him, like a child, playfully chasing him and grabbed his hand.

'Peace?' You asked and Thomas grinned, he was so wet at this point.
'Alright.' Thomas said and opened it, holding it above my head. 'Thanks.' You said and grinned. You loved messing around with him.

At home, you walked towards the kitchen. Thomas interrupted you. 'Where might you be going?' He asked with raised eyebrows.
'I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?'
Thomas shook his head. 'I have an better idea. We're going to take that hot shower you talked about earlier.'
You laughed, you had completely forgotten about it. 'Alright.' A hot shower with Thomas sounded perfect.
Thomas grinned and ran towards you, trowing you over your shoulder. 'Thomas! No, put me down!' You laughed. He didn't care, though.


You laid next to Thomas in bed, he held you and the rain tapped peacefully against the window. Thomas grinned at you and you frowned. 'What is it?' You whispered.
'I'm just so happy I can't stop smiling. I'm so happy with you. And I'm so proud.' He placed a soft kiss on your nose. It tickled and you giggled. 'I'm happy, to. I haven't felt this good in a long time, Thomas, and all because of you.'
Thomas smiled and kissed your lips. You turned away from him and he turn of the light next to his bed. Thomas wrapped his arm around you and you felt his even breathes in your neck. It was a comfortable sound, hearing him breathe. Peaceful and fast you fell asleep, hearing to the sound of it.

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