Chapter 67

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Thomas' POV

My phones ringtone woke me up, it was an unknown caller. I glared at the time. Almost five o'clock.
I answered the phone and I heard her cry. I froze into place. Her voice was weak and thick. 'Thomas?'
'I'm here, baby, what happened?' I asked her softly.
'Please - can you pick me up? I'm in that town we... God, Thomas... I'm hurt...' She started to sob. I was already getting changed. 'You mean the town where we went the other day?'
No answer. Just sobbing. Then a weak: 'yeah.'
'I'm on my way - what happened? How come you're still there? You've been away for 1,5 hours!'
'I have to hang up... Payphone... I-' She hung up.


I didn't know what to think had happened, but my mind made some guesses. One even more terrible then the other. I was in the town in almost 20 minutes, I drove way harder then the limit. I searched for the pay phones, I'd seen them the other day. It was still dark out so it was harder then I imagined it would be, to find her. When I did I immediately got out of the car and ran towards her. She sat on the stone ground, legs pulled up, shaking and sobbing. I couldn't see her face until I was near her. She looked up and I gasped. Her neck was full of bruises and her hair was all messy, dark lines under her eyes and blood on her cheek. I kneeled down in front of her and tucked the hair behind her ear. I could feel her froze into place. She didn't look at me, just sobbed, glaring at the ground. She was a mess.
'(Y/n)... It's me, what happened?' 'Thomas...? You're here.' Her voice was really weak. When I touched her skin I felt she was freezing cold, so I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her.
'I'm here baby. Come on, let's get you up.'
'I can't.' She sobbed. 'I'm hurt.'
'Come here baby.' I lifted her bridal style and dragged her towards the car, she was winching out of pain. I placed her in the car and kneeled down in front of her. 'Where are you hurt?'
She gasped, lifting her shirt. Her stomach was full with bruises.
'I have to take you to the hotel, clean you up. Can you please tell me what happened?'
She shook her head, sobbing. 'Come here.' I wrapped my arms around her.
When I let go, she whispered 'I was raped.' She bursted out into tears.
My insides turned and I placed my hand I front of my mouth, gasping. No... No no no...
She grabbed my wrists. 'I have to go home.' She said weakly. 'I... Have to go home. I'm scared - maybe they'll find me.'
'You're save now, darling.'
She shook her head, glaring at her feet. 'It was so horrible.' She sobbed.
'I know... But it's over. I'll protect you. You're save.'
'I have to go home.' she repeated. Her voice was still weak and panicky.
I shook my head, fighting against my tears. Seeing her hurt like this broke my heart. 'I'm taking you to the hotel,
that's nearby. Your stomach... Looks bad. I have to take care of it.' My voice broke in the middle of the sentence. Going to a hospital was not an option: it would take way to much time to get there.

She nodded once, moving on her seat and winching out of pain. I closed the door behind her, getting in on the other side. I drove towards the hotel. The weather was getting worse again - probably the scenes will be canceled today as well.

I dragged her towards the hotel room, getting her in the bath. I cleaned her wounds while she sobbed and sobbed. Every time I touched her she froze a bit, then apologized: 'I'm sorry - I know you'll never hurt me.'

The bruises looked worse then they were, she'll be fine. On the outside, anyway. I pulled some comfortable clothes on her, she let it all happen, and laid her down in bed.
I kneeled down next to her, our eyes met. Hers were red and swollen, but still beautiful.
'Can I get you something? Tea?'
She shook her head, grabbing my wrist. 'Please don't leave me.' She said panicked.
'I won't. I can call room service - they're already open.'
She nodded and sighed out of relieve.
I nodded. 'Thank you.'

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now