Chapter 4

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You woke up early and you made yourself a egg white omelet. You hate to cook, but an omelet is easy.

When you'd done your morning routine, you went to sit in the garden with your guitar. Tonight you had to perform in the club, and you wanted to rehearse. Plus, you wanted to begin writing a new song. So that was what you did. Tonight you were going to sing covers of songs, so that was easy.

The sun shone bright and it felt peaceful, singing and playing your guitar while you sat in the grass. Then the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" You yelled to the grumpy maid and you walked to the door.
You opened it and saw it was Thomas.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" You said and smiled to him.

"You didn't answer your phone, I wanted to know if maybe you want to hang out? Like I said, I know no one here and I know it might be weird that I just came over without calling or texting but I just—" He rambled, then chuckled. "I'm a twat, sorry."

Okay, but that's cute.

"No, no! You're not," I smiled, a little too wide maybe. "I like it, it's old school. I miss those times where we don't need to call or text someone and just knock on their door to hang out. It's more real."

A smile spread over Newt's face. "Great. Were you doing anything?"

"Oh, yeah, I was rehearsing for a performance in the club tonight... Do you want to come in?'

"You sing?" Thomas asked with a surprised voice, and nodded. He walked past you and you closed the door.

"Yeah, I sing in this band, and I play guitar."

You walked through the hall and Thomas followed you. "That's amazing, I play bass guitar and sing, too. You have a lovely house, by the way."

"You do? Thanks. Come on, let's go outside. I was sitting in my backyard."

You sat down in the grass, next to your guitar and notebook.
"Can you sing something for me? I'll do the guitar."
"Uh... Sure... But I'm not that good so don't expect much." You handed him the guitar, and looked at the ground.

"So, what do you want to sing?" He asked you.
"You can choose a song." You answered shyly.

"I know this song, it's by the Lumineers. Maybe you know it, too. It's called flowers in your hair. I love it."

That song. You loved it, too. It reminded you of when you were little. You smiled. "I know it. It's amazing."

Thomas started playing the guitar and you started to sing. You looked down at the ground, because you was kind of nervous about singing for him.
"When we were younger we thought
Everone was on our side
Then we grew a little
And romanticized the time I saw
Flowers in your hair
Cause it takes a boy to live
And a man to pretend he was there"

Thomas sang the next couplet with you, and you loved his voice, so you looked at him while you sang. Joy was written all over his face.
"So then we grew a little and knew a lot
And now we demonstrated it to the cops
And all the things we said
We were self assured"

The next couplet you sang by yourself, but you still stared at him, enjoying every second of it.
"Cause it's a long road to wisdom
But it's a short one
To being ignored"

Together, you sang the next couplet
"Be in my eyes
Be in my heart
Be in my eyes ai yai yai
Be in my heart"

The next couplet Thomas sang alone, and you closed your eyes, facing the sky, enjoying every beautiful word he sang.
"So now I think that I could
Love you back
And I hope it's not to late cause you're so attractive
And the way you move
I won't close my eyes
Cause it takes a man to live
But it takes a women to make him compromise"

You ended the song, singing together
"Be in my eyes
Be in my heart
Be in my eyes, ai yai yai
Be in my heart"

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