Chapter 50

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You were sitting in the night train, Thomas sat across of you and you both stared out of the window. It was near evening and the sun was setting, palm trees were running by and you felt an immense calmness.
'(Y'n)? You looked up at Thomas.
'When was the last time you sang?' He asked softly.
You thought about it. My voice had been so weak since the accident and you realized you hadn't been singing after the accident. 'In the car the day of the accident, I think.'
'Why don't you start again? Didn't it used to make you happy?'
You nodded. 'You're right. I'll do that when we get back...' You smiled. Thinking about music made me happy...


You didn't sleep good in the train because every half an hour women yelled if people wanted to buy something from them. Thomas laid on the top bed, and you heard him whisper. '(Y/n), are you awake?'
Thomas climbed down and laid close to you. You both tried to sleep, in each other's arms but it didn't work so eventually you bought some snacks from a lady who walked by, yelling and spend the night talking and playing guessing games and eating snacks. You had so much fun but by the time the train arrived at the destination you were exhausted.

You fell asleep on a bench in the train station while you waited for the next train, resting your head on Thomas's shoulder.

You arrived at a cute little place by the coast around noon, and after a ten minute walk you arrived at your lodge on the beach. This place was magical, beautiful green/blue clear sea where you could see the coral on the ground, palm trees, white sand. Your lodge was cozy, with a big bed, air conditioning (thank lord) and a little bathroom. On the porch there were two seats with a little table and a hammock.

You spend all midday drinking fresh coconut water from actual coconuts and cocktails from the bar that's part of the lodges. You swam for a while and just had lots and lots of fun with Thomas.

When the sun started to set, Thomas brought you to the lodge.
'I have a present for you.' He said with a cute smirk.
'What is it?' I asked when Thomas handed me a box.
'Open it.'
I giggled and opened it. I saw a beautiful, laced red dress. It was honestly the most beautiful dress you'd ever seen. 'It's beautiful...' You whispered.
'Glad you like it,' Thomas said mysteriously, and added, 'you'll wear this dress tonight. Why don't you try it on, darling?'
You smiled. 'Where will you take me tonight?'
'It's a surprise.' Thomas said and softly stroked my face, placing a small kiss on your lips. You got up, smiling, and went to the bathroom to change.

You glared into the reflexion on the mirror. This dress looked amazing on you and for the first time in forever, you felt pretty. You brushed your hands through your hair, pulling it up. Even better. With clips you placed your hair in a classy up-do.
'Is it your size?' Thomas asked from the bedroom. 'Yes,' you answered, 'it's perfect.' You opened the bathroom door and stepped out. The look on Thomas' face was priceless. 'Whoa... You honestly look...' Thomas' eyes looked at me from top to toe, 'magnificent.'
I grinned and nervously glared at my feet. 'Thanks, I guess.' You answered shy.

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