Chapter 34

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It made you squeak, you didn't expect people to be in the house. Everyone was there: Thomas his friends, colleagues, neighbors...
You turned around and glanced at Thomas, who was smiling at you. 'What's this...?' You asked him while you smiled back at him.
'It's your welcome home party. Don't blame me, love, it was all Kaya.'
'Oh come on, you loved the idea and helped, Thomas.' Kaya said laughing.
'You guys would do that for me?' You asked surprised.
'Of course we would, come on, couch!' Kaya said and helped you walk to the couch. While you walked over there, you said hello to everyone, hugged people, thanked them for being here. And you smiled and smiled, because all these people were here for you and because Kaya and Thomas had done this for you.

You sat down on the sofa, a bit overwhelmed by all the attention. Thomas sat down next to you, and handed you a piece of pie. 'Seriously, pie?' You asked smiling. Things were just getting better and better.
You leaned forward to Thomas and kissed him on his lips. 'Thank you so much.'
'You're welcome, love.'

You ate pie, drank beer and talked with people but stayed on the couch (Kaya's orders). After a while you did Mario cart with a couple of people (you won all the time), which was fun.

You asked Kaya if she wanted to help you walk to the garden to smoke a cigarette.
'Course, sweetie.' Kaya gave you an arm and you limped your way outside. You lit a cigarette for yourself and one for Kaya. You handed her hers. 'Thank you. So, are you having fun?' She asked.
"Yes, it's great... I mean I didn't think anyone would care if I would be here or... gone, somewhere else. It's good to know people do care.'
'Cheers to that.' Kaya blew out her smoke and you smoked your cigarette.
'You know,' Kaya said, 'Ever since the accident I've talked with Thomas about you often, and he really loves you, you know that, right?'
You nodded.
'I just wanted you to know.' Kaya grinned.
'I... Thank you. I've never met anyone like him in my intire life, he's the person I live for right now. Kaya, I'm afraid I'm gonna scare him away at some point and then I'm left all alone again.'
'You don't understand, (Y/n). Trust me, you won't scare him away.'
You sighed and smiled. 'Because he loves me.'
Kaya grinned. 'Exactly! And if you do scare him away, remember you still have me. But then won't happen, okay? You don't have to be so insecure.'
You smiled and Kaya pulled you into a hug. You hugged her back, and whispered. 'That's nice to know.'

When you had smoked your cigarette you went back inside. You walked (limped) straight to Thomas, who was talking with Dylan in the corner of the room.
'Hey sweetie, are you okay?' He asked when you approached.
'I'm great, Dylan would you mind if I borrow him for a sec?' You asked, grinning.
'Sure,' Dylan smiled to Thomas and walked away.
You grabbed Thomas' hand and pulled him with you, to the hall. There was nobody there, perfect.

Thomas smiled down at you. 'What is -'
You didn't let him finish his sentence, you stood on your toes to kiss him. He automattically put his arms around your waist and kissed you back. You pushed him against the wall - with all the strenght you had - and kissed him rough. When you let go a bit, you whispered 'I just wanted to do that, and tell you something important.' You were gasping a bit, and Thomas let go of you, stroking the hair out of your face. 'What?' He laughed.
'I love you.' You said through gaspes.
Thomas chuckled and lifted you, kissing you again. 'I love you, too.'

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