Chapter 71

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You sat down on the bed, nervously tapping with your feet on the ground. Kaya sat down next to you, reading through the instructions that came with the pregnancy test.
'A plus sign means you're pregnant.' She explained and you nodded. Your throat felt really dry and your hands were shaking.
'How long do we have to wait?' You asked.
'It says here between 1 en 2 minutes, so it'll appear any moment now.'
She placed her hand on yours, holding it in position because you were shaking to much. You just glared at the test and your stomach turned when al little plus sign appeared. You started to sob. 'Please don't tell me this is real.' You stroked over your stomach and Kaya hugged you. 'I would say congratulations but the circumstances...'
You let go of her. 'Would you love your child if you knew the father was a raper? What if the child looks like him?'
Kaya wiped your tears away. 'I don't know what I would do. It's hard to even imagine... You shouldn't think like this, though, chances are your child is Thomas'.'
You nodded and tucked the hair behind your ears. 'I really, really hope it is.' You said, sobbing, and Kaya hugged you again. 'I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'm here for you darling.'

Thomas walked in and you jumped up. 'What are you doing here?' You asked.
'Kaya called me I had to come... What happened?' He walked over to me and took me in his arms.
'I should go, I'll be back soon.' Kaya said and left the room. Thomas stroked your hair.
When he let go of you, he glanced at your hand. You were still holding onto the pregnancy test, and you gasped. You quickly held it behind your back, but it was to late.
'You're... Pregnant?'
You nodded, glaring at the ground. You felt so anxious of how he might react. You couldn't lose him.

'You're afraid the child isn't mine... That's why you're so upset.' Thomas said, more to himself then to me. He took a step back, frowning.
You let out a sob. 'What if it isn't?' You asked, you could here the panic in your voice. 'The rapers... Didn't look like either of us with their dark skin tone and dark hair. If the child looks like them... It will be clear it's not yours. That would ruin you... The media-'
'Shhh. Don't think like that. We weren't careful sometimes, so chances are big the baby is mine.'
'I hope so...' I started to sob. 'But, do you even want children? We never talked about it...'
'I do want to start a family with you, yes. I didn't expect it to happen so soon, but... Yes. I want children. With you.' He softly stroked your cheek and you smiled trough your tears. Thomas wiped your tears away and kissed your lips.

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