Chapter 52

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Thailand went by really fast and you saw the most beautiful places ever. Beautiful jungle forest, hidden beaches, coral, markets, temples. Kaya was really happy about your news, and so was apparently the Internet. They saw your ring and for once they made the right assumption, that you were engaged. The guys were really surprised but happy for us. So were you, you couldn't believe you would marry Thomas! It was an amazing feeling.

You met his family short after you came home from Thailand. You had a little engagement party with a really small group, just with Kaya and Dylan. Kaya had news herself and brought her boyfriend Ben, an actor. They were engaged as well and it seemed like the perfect moment to meet him, since she asked me to be her first attendant. She was going to be my first attendant as well, and Dylan would be Thomas's.

So you met Ben, he was a really nice and fun guy. The party was a lot of fun and the day after we took a plane to London.

His parents and sister, Ava, were really kind to me and you liked them as well. You had dinner at their place and crashed in the guest room. They were really surprised but soaked about the news of engagement.
You stayed there a weekend and then you had to return back home, to work.

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