Chapter 24

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Thomas walked to his closet and put his shirt off. His back was turned to you, and you caught yourself staring at his muscles.
You silently left the room and went to the bathroom to do your make-up over. But it wasn't necessary, so all you did was tie your hair in a messy bun. You did look a bit fancy now, you just hoped you weren't overdressed. 'Woah.' Thomas said admiring, he stood in the dooropening, looking at you. He was wearing a blue blues with a jacket over that. He looked great. He smiled at you.
You laughed. 'What?'
'Nothing, I'm just admiring you. You look good.' He stroked his hair back with his hand and grinned.
'You look good yourself. I love it when you do that.' You giggled.
'When I do what?'
'That sexy hair flip thing you do.'
Thomas laughed and looked at the ground, blushing a bit. 'Shall we go?' He said quickly.
I smiled. 'Yes, please.'
'I can call us a cab, I mean you are wearing a dress. Isn't that unconfortable on a motorcycle?'
'Then we walk over at my place and take the car, how about that?'
'You have a car?' Thomas frowned and smiled.
'Yes, come on. Shall I wear the denim or black jacket?'
'Ehm... Black?'
'Okay.' You grabbed the black jacket and put it on.
'Damn.' Thomas said, smiling.

You opened the garage and walked over at your car. Well, your fathers car, but it was yours now.
'Why didn't you tell me you had a car?'

'I prefer to take the motorcycle, so... Yeah.'

'Mm, are there more things I don't know about?' He smiled at you and you opened the front door. You smiled.

'Ehm, yes actually.' You sat down at the drivers seat and Thomas sat down on the other front seat. 'What is it?' He smiled.

'That motor club where we met?'

Thomas nodded. 'Yeah... No, wait... Technically we met in front of the grocery store, though, but go on.' He smiled and you rolled your eyes. You'd hoped he had forgotten about that, you were being awkward. You shook your head blushing.

'That club was my father's. And now it's mine.' You gave gas and drove away.

'Really? So you own that place?'

'Yeah, well, I'm kind of the boss there, but sometimes I have to do shifts at the bar...'

'That's insane.' Thomas smiled.

'Yeah, I could drive a motorcycle before I could even ride a bicycle... In secret, of course... My parents were crazy. Teaching a 5 year old to drive a small motorcycle, I mean who does that? Of course I learned to drive it legally the moment I turned 16.' You laughed.

'Wow.' Thomas laughed. 'That's crazy, (y/n). Did your mom like motorcycles too?'

'Yeah. My mom was a singer in a jazz band. But she fell in love with my dad, and so his passion about motorcycles soon got her passion as well. We're there.' You went right and parked the car in the parking lot. Thomas glanced at you sideways, without moving to unbuckle or something like that.

'Now I know how you got that amazing voice.'

'Yes, well, I always wanted to become a singer just like my mom. She was really proud of me when I entered the band I'm in... But really I wanted to become I solo singer. She wanted me to, as well. She stimulated that... But then my mom and dad died and the responsibility of the club fell on me. Plus I don't see myself becoming a solo singer anymore... It was what my mom had wanted but now she's dead. I can't do it anymore.'

'I think you can. I mean who knows how amazing it feels to be a solo singer? You shouldn't give up these dreams so easily.'

I sighed, 'Maybe you're right.' You nodded and Thomas smiled. 'Course I am. Wait.' He unbuckled his seat belt and opened his door. He walked around the car.
Thomas opened the door for you and gave you his hand and you rolled your eyes. 'Seriously?'
You took the hand smiling and kissed him on his lips. Flash. You had no idea where the photographer was but Thomas and you quickly walked to the cinema. Another flash, it came from the right. You entered the cinema and Thomas walked over at the ticket counter to get the tickets, while you went to the toilet.
Thomas bought you a big popcorn, and you both had a coke. The movie was about to start and you found your places. The lights went off, and Thomas kissed you passionatly on the lips.

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