Chapter 74

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You woke up next to Thomas, cuddled up in his arms. You sighed and felt better then you have felt in a very long time. Being with Thomas that way, without bad stuff happening. He was even gentler then he used to be, and it felt good. You turned around and gazed at him. It was still pretty dark in the room but you saw his beautiful face clearly. He was slowly waking up and opened his eyes. 'Hey,' he groaned, ' how are you feeling?'
You smiled at him. A true smile, not a fake one, telling him you felt good.
Good enough anyway, you did feel kind of nervous.
Thomas smiled back at you and took your face in his hands, placing a soft kiss on your lips. 'Let me make you breakfast.'

You followed him downstairs, and sat down behind the diner table. 'This appointment is going to tell us who the dad is, isn't it? If I'm pregnant longer then 4 weeks, it's yours, if I've been pregnant for a week, it's not.'
Thomas turned towards you and frowned, then shook his head. 'We weren't careful last week so if you've been pregnant for a week it doesn't tell us anything.'
You nodded. 'Aren't I supposed to show yet if I've been pregnant since before you left? So isn't it clear I've been pregnant for a week? Do we have to go?Can't we just stay home or do something fun?' You smiled hopeful. Please agree.
Thomas shook his head again. 'It's important to go.'
You nodded and Thomas turned back to the stove. 'We'll do something fun after we've been to the doctor. I promise.'


You were sitting in the waiting room and read a text Kaya send you just a few minutes ago.
Good luck, call me when you're done
x K
You smiled and heard your name. You looked up and a nurse stood in a door opening of one of the check-up rooms. You and Thomas stood up and walked towards her, shaking her hand.

At first you had to answer a bunch of questions, about your medical situation, what kind of medicines you take, allergies etc.
Then came the questions about the pregnancy, and you had to tell her about the Incident. She was really understanding and asked you to lay on the check-up bed, so she could look at the bruises.

You did what she asked and you lifted your shirt. The bruises were fading quickly now, but there still was a blue/ green trace.
'Just tell me if it hurts, alright?'
The women started to knock softly on your stomach, and you winched.
'I'm sorry, just hold on one more second -'
She knocked one more time and sat up.

'When can we do a paternity test?' Thomas asked the women.
'I'm first going to check how long she's been pregnant, because sometimes morning sickness, like you described to me,' she glanced at you, 'can happen weeks after the start of the pregnancy. So it's hard to tell.'
'How are you going to test it?' You asked, while you sat down on the edge of the bed.
'I'm going to ask you some questions and we have to take some blood and urine.' The women said and started to ask me about my periods, energy, moods, etc.
She took notes while she did this and afterwards they took some blood and you had to pie in a little pot.

When all the tests were over, you and Thomas waited in the waiting room for the results. He got you a cup of tea and a chocolate bar out of the vending machine.


You looked at the doctor and then to Thomas. Under the table you took his hand, interlacing your fingers.
'The results can tell us that you've been pregnant now for 5 weeks.' You glared at Thomas and started to smile and cry at the same time. You fell into his arms.
When you let go of him, his cheeks were wet as well and you glared back at the women.
'Is the baby healthy? I mean they did kick me in the stomach...'
'The baby's fine, yes, as far as we can tell at this point. It's a miracle. We can answer that question for sure at the first echo, which will be in the 9th week.'
'Thank you.' You whispered, squeezing Thomas' hand. You placed your other hand on your stomach, realizing that you and Thomas are going to be parents! You couldn't have been more happier.

You and Thomas left the room and you flew in his arms, he lifted you and you wrapped your legs around him. You kissed his lips. 'You're going to be a dad!' You whispered. Thomas smiled, his eyes wet and he swinged you around. 'I'm going to be a dad!' He repeated and you saw people watch but you didn't care. You cried silently and just smiled and kissed Thomas. When he let go of you, he softly placed you on your feet. He placed a hand on your stomach.
'Our miracle baby...' He whispered.

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