Chapter 39

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Thomas took us to town, in his car. You was still jumpy around cars and everything, and Kaya held my hand. 'You'll be fine.' She said grinning, then added, joking, 'Thomas is driving now, not me.'
You smiled, still not convinced. We were there soon enough, and Thomas parked the car in the parking lot after he'd dropped us off.

You sat down behind a table in front of the restaurant, the weather was lovely.
'Hello, would you like to order drinks?' The waitress pulled you out of your thoughts.
'Sure, I'd like to have a Coke, please. Two cokes, my... Boyfriend... Will be here shortly.' You said to her.
'Make that 3 Cokes.' Kaya said, turning her face towards me. She grinned and you playfully sticked your tongue out towards her.
'I was interrupting something, wasn't I?'
You nodded and chuckled. 'I don't mind. We can do plenty of that later. For now,  I'd like to have a nice lunch with my best friend and my boyfriend.'
Kaya grinned. 'Good that.'
'So when'll you guys leave?' You changed the topic.
'Thomas didn't tell you?' Kaya asked seriously. You shook your head.
'We're leaving in a week, (y/n).' You felt like someone punched you in your stomach. 'What?' You looked up at her.
'We first need to go over the script with everyone, then we'll shoot in Mexico.'
You nodded, feeling num. How didn't he tell me?

You felt a cold hand on your shoulder, and you looked up. Thomas smiled down at you and sat down between you and Kaya.
'You girls ordered us drinks?'
You nodded. 'Coke for you?' You asked silently.
'What's wrong, love?' Thomas placed his hand on yours, but you pulled your hand away.
'What is it?' Thomas glared at Kaya and you bit your lip, glaring at the table.
'Don't look at me, Thomas. I thought you told her...' Kaya said.
You looked up. Don't drama this, you told yourself. It's his job. Don't be overly attached.
Thomas raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for an explanation. 'You're leaving in a week.' You whispered. 'Why didn't you tell me?' You fought against my tears, failing like always.
Kaya suddenly giggled and you looked up at her, angry.
Kaya raised her hands, apologizing. 'I can't believe you fell for that.' She said, shaking her head.
'What...?' You didn't understand.. What did she mean? You glared at Thomas, waiting for an explanation.
'I'm not leaving in a week, (y/n). The two of us are. We're going to Thailand for two weeks.'
'What??' You asked surprised, and smiling.
'If you want, of course. Just us two, traveling through Thailand. Doesn't that seem perfect?'
You bit your lip, trying not to smile like a crazy person. You nodded, and laughing/ crying you stood up and fell into his arms. Emotional wreck.
Thomas placed a soft kiss on your lips and grinned. 'It'll be amazing, love.'
You nodded and kissed him again. 'I love you so much.' You whispered, then turned to Kaya. 'You fooled me there.' You said, smiling.
'I'm so sorry, love. Come here. I'm so happy for you guys. You both deserve it so badly.' Kaya opened her arms and you hugged her.
Then you sat back in your chair and the waitress placed three Cokes on our table. You ordered food and you couldn't stop smiling. 'I love you guys... You are the best.' You whispered.

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