Chapter 55

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When you woke up the next day, Thomas was on the phone with someone. You got out of bed and took a short shower, and got dressed.
When you entered the living room Thomas hung up.
'Good morning, darling.' He said and grinned. He walked towards you and placed a kiss on your lips.
'Good morning... Thomas, who was that on the phone?'
'Wes, the director of the Scorch.'
'And?' You asked.
'We'll start shooting in 4 weeks. Over 3 weeks the cast needs to be together to read through the lines, and we'll meet the new actors. I don't know who they are yet but I'll see.'
I nodded. I felt a pit in my stomach... Thomas would leave in 3 weeks. And so would Kaya. You tried to force a smile - you knew that Thomas would leave, and since Thomas is your fiancé now he would return. You were sure of it.
Thomas stroked your cheek.
'Hey, I'm still here now. Shall I make you some coffee and breakfast before you go to work?'
You glared into his beautiful eyes and nodded thankful. Thomas turned around and went to the kitchen.


Work was fun, Jake gave you angry glances but that was all. He stayed out of the way.
You gave 2 privet motorcycle lessons and had the bar shift after. You did some administration, and your workday was over.

You met up with the band at the shack and you jammed until Thomas came in. 'What are you doing here?' You asked and grinned, walking towards him.
'Bringing you guys food,' Thomas said and grinned, 'plus I'm just an admiring fan, just ignore me. I'll sit here in the corner and won't distract you.' He winked at me and I glared at the floor, blushing. Then I approached him and kissed him on his lips. 'Thank you.' You said.
Thomas grinned satisfied, then turned to the guys. 'I hope I'm not bothering. In case any of you are hungry... I brought enough Thai for us all.'
'Oh don't worry mate,' Mike, the drummer, said, 'we can take a break! I'm starving.' He grinned and we all walked to the couch and seats.

It was a lovely night, after you'd all eaten you rehearsed 'till late. Thomas stayed the entire time and even sang along some parts. The band was really impressed by his singing qualities. Just like you... When he sang or played an instrument he was so attractive!

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