Chapter 48

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Kaya answered the phone immediately. '(Y/n)? Are you okay?'
'I'm fine...' You answered.
'It's so unfair they make up stories about you and photoshopped that picture -'
'They didn't,' I answered. Kaya remained silent and I continued 'Those scars are real, from a while ago. I was in a dark place, Kaya, until I met Thomas.' You said and glared at Thomas. He glared back, lovingly. He had his phone on his ear.
Kaya didn't responce at first, but then answered with '(Y/n), I'm so sorry... I didn't know. What are you going to do about the article?'
'Thomas is handling it.' You answered.
'Okay. I hopes it works out. How is Thailand so far?'
'Thanks... Amazing, honestly. I'm just really tired, it's half past four am here. I'm not sure I can sleep, though, because I'm really freaked out.' You started to sob and Thomas took your hand. He was talking on the phone as well.
'Shhh, (y/n), it'll all be fine. Look, it doesn't matter people say stuff about you that aren't true. If you know the truth that's enough.'
'You're right.' I said slowly.
'Look, darling, just go to bed alright? Thomas will handle it, I'm sure he will. And when you wake up in the morning everything will be alright again, and you can enjoy the fact that you're in freaking Thailand!'
'I'm sure he will, you're right. Good night, Kaya, and that you so much.'
'Good night, love. You're welcome.
Just enjoy your stay, love you!'
'I love you to!' You hung up, feeling slightly better. Kaya was such an amazing friend.

You turned to Thomas, who was still talking on the phone. You wrote in your notes on your phone:
Kaya was really understanding and sweet, feeling slightly better. You okay handling it on your own? I need to sleep on it because staying awake won't solve the problem.
Thomas read it and replied with:
I'm glad. I'll handle it, just sleep. Good night, I love you. I'll continue my conversation on the balcony.
He was still talking on the phone while he gave you a quick kiss on your head and disappeared behind the curtains to go to the balcony.

You laid down in bed. The world was feeling so heavy right now, pushing you down. It made you feel really claustrophobic. You couldn't help but think about what happened...
After half an hour you heard Thomas walk in and lay down next to you.
'It wasn't easy. But it's settled. They're taking the article off.'
I sighed out of relieve. 'Thank you.' You answered and he took you in his arms. 'So much...' You signed and almost immediately, you fell asleep. In the safest place you could be. And warmest.

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