Chapter 22

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You were sitting in a cute little restaurant/coffee bar, around a round table. Kaya ordered a Greek salat, Thomas a ham cheese panini, and you a vegetable panini. Thomas and Kaya had already taken a couple of pictures with fans, and you were now sitting in peace. You could see people stare at you, though. But you were kind of getting used to it.

You had so much fun, the three of you were a good match. Kaya made a picture of you and Thomas, and he put his arm around your shoulder. He smiled, and you accidentally looked at him smiling, not at the camera. But Thomas said he loved the picture. It was a happy picture, in a cheap diner, with soda's.
You kissed Thomas on his lips, and smiled.
'Sorry Kaya.' You laughed.

'Oh no, honey. You guys are amazing together. I'm happy for you guys.' He smiled at you and Thomas.

Thomas chuckled and said, 'Thanks, Kaya, you are amazing.' Thomas smiled at her and turned at you again. 'I'm happy, too.' He gave you a kiss on the cheek and then the waitress came with the food.

'A Greek salat?'

'For me, please.' Kaya said.

'Here you go... Oh my God, aren't you the actress who plays Effy Stonem from Skins?'

'Thank you. Yes, I am. You like Skins?'

'Woah... I am a huge fan, really. Cassie and Effy were my favorite characters. The veggie panini is for?'

'That's amazing, I miss Effy to be honest.' Kaya answered enthusiastic.

'For me. Thank you.' The waitress handed me the plate.

She gave Thomas his ham cheese panini and asked Kaya if she could take a picture with her. Kaya nodded friendly, and smiled into the camera. 'Thank you so much!' The waitress said and added 'You are such a great actress.'
'Aw, thank you, that's so kind of you.'
The waitress smiled and said 'Enjoy your meals.' And she walked away.

'Does that ever get normal? That complete strangers adore you and want to take selfies with you and want your autograph?' I asked, to no one in particular.

'Well, after a while you get a bit used to it but it's always strange... I'm a bit shy myself... When I'm with people I don't know. It's weird... People who adore you. Because they don't really now who you are. On camera, you pretend to be someone that your not. It's a weird thing, acting.' Thomas answered.

'Yeah... Well said.' Kaya agreed and smiled. 'Mmm... Looks good.'

'Yeah... Bonne appetite!' I took a bite out of my vegetable panini. It was so delicious!

'So I was wondering something.' Kaya said while she looked at Thomas and me. 'Are you guys, like, dating or in an official relationship?'

You swallowed and answered 'We are in a official relationship.' You glanced at Thomas... You were so madly in him. He glanced back at you, grinning. He nodded his head. 'Yep...' He looked at the table, chuckling, flipping his hair back with his hand. I loved it when he did that. God, he's hot. He took your hand under the table.

'That's amazing!' Kaya said enthusiastic. You laughed, looking down at your plate.

'So, Thomas we have to do that interview tomorrow for that radio station... You should bring (y/n)! We can make, like, a road trip out of it that and just have fun.'

'Yeah! You should come.' Thomas glanced at you and added 'You can watch the interview behind glass, you'll hear it through the speaker. It'll take only one hour or so. Less, even.'

'Okay! Where is the interview?' You answered.

'Yess! Only 2 hours away or so.' Kaya said, clearly excited.

'Great! Well, I'm free tomorrow. So I'm looking forward to it, guys.'

'Me too.' Kaya answered.

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