Chapter 54

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That Monday was more bad then you thought it would be, literally every person asked you a question about rumors about you. About your scars, pregnancy, engagement, you cheating on Thomas, you breaking up with Thomas, Thomas hurting you (that was a new one) etc. But you managed to let them bugger off so you could work on the administration in the office. Jake came around 4 o'clock for his shift and knocked on the office window.

'Can I come in?' He asked nicely.
No. 'Sure.' You answered and looked up at him.
'So is it true...?' He asked.
'Is what true? You might want to be a little bit more specific since people are saying plenty about me.' You answered.
'That you're engaged...' He glared at my ring. 'I see you are.' He sounded surprised.
I felt uncomfortable. 'Yes, Jake, I'm engaged.' You glared at your ring and smiled. When Jake didn't leave, you turned towards him. 'What do you want?'

'Is it true that you cut yourself?' Jake asked fiercely.
You sighed. 'No. Now leave, so I can finish the administration.'
'I know you're lying. I saw it once. You're an attention whore.'
You glared up at him. The words sank into your brain and you remembered what Thomas said last night. Don't let him get to you, you said to yourself. You stood up and grinned at Jake.
'You think your words hurt me?' You asked with a cold and hollow voice.
'I hoped... As a punishment of my own.' Jake answered with gritted teeth.
'You know what, Jake? Bite me. I'm going home to my man and you can do the administration yourself. If you don't I'll fire you and if you make another nasty comment...' You took a step towards him, threatening him. 'you're fired as well. From now on you keep out of my way, do you understand?'
Jake gave you one nod, he looked angry.
'Good.' You smirked and walked past him, bumping him aside.
He can't walk over you and now he's learned his lesson.


At home, Thomas laughed really hard about what you did to Jake. 'I'm so proud of you.' Thomas said and kept on laughing. He placed a kiss on your forehead. 'I am truly.' He added.
You grinned satisfied. Maybe work was going to be fun again after all... Jake needed this job to pay for college and in these hard times it's hard to find a well paid job. Jake wouldn't want to be fired so you now controlled him.

You called Melany to ask if there was still a place for you in the band and she was beyond happy that you called - your replacement apparently can't sing for a bit. Tomorrow after work you would meet with the band again and you were quit excited

That night, you cooked dinner and you ate it (it was delicious, you'd really done your best) with some red wine and you jammed with Thomas all evening. You sang and Thomas played the guitar. It wasn't hard to start singing again, it felt so natural and calming. You were still working on a few new songs and Thomas helped you with them. You danced in the living room when you'd had a little to much wine and Thomas laughed at you. You took his hand and together you danced and danced and danced until you were really tired. Thomas brought you to bed and held you in his arms. It was a perfect night.

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