Chapter 47

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You ate dinner at a restaurant and drank a bottle of wine and talked all night on the balcony, until it was 3 am.
You were so tired and rosy when you finally laid down in bed.Tomorrow would be the last day here in Bangkok, you would take the night train to a place called Surathani where you would  take another train to a place by the beach and jungle. You were quite scared for going to the beach and swimming with Thomas, because of your scars. You could hide it enough during the day by putting concealer over it, but when you are swimming... You put the thought away and sighed. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Thomas gaze at you.
You turned your head in his direction
and grinned.
He stroked my skin and sighed. 'You're beautiful.' He whispered in my ear and you gasped.
You stroked his face and kissed him. Your phones beeped at the same time and you both sat up in bed to check your phones. The only one you had contact with since our arrival was Kaya to inform her we'd landed savely and to tell her you were having to best time.

It was Kaya. You opened the text and your heart dropped. It was a article from a website, with a picture of you walking beside Thomas at Grand Palace. But that wasn't the bad part, they'd completely zoomed in on your wrist. The article read: 'The Maze Runner and Game Of Thrones star Thomas Sangster in Bangkok with his new girlfriend. Is she truly unhappy or just an attention seeker? We can't figure it out but as we look at her scars you can see she is not happy. Maybe even depressed, or suicidal. Little do we know. However, we've come to the conclusion that she is a girl with a past. Is she the right one for the super-hot star Thomas Sangster? We sure hope she is!'
I swinged my legs over the edge of the bed and glanced at my scars. '(Y/n)...' Thomas whispered and I started to sob. 'Now everyone knows!' I sobbed and covered my face with my hands. 'This is the worst.' Thomas moved towards me and hugged me from behind.
'I know. I'm so sorry, love. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to call the website to take it off.' He placed a kiss on my shoulder and started to dial a number.

'I have to call Kaya... I have to explain.' You started to dial Kaya's number. Thomas grabbed your phone out of my hands. 'Hey!' You yelled, really upset.
'Are you sure you want to tell her?' Thomas asked softly.
'I do... I trust her.' You said, but you could hear in your own voice you weren't convinced.
'You sure?'
I nodded and Thomas gave me back my phone. I was still sobbing and shaking, so I tried to take a deep breath.

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