Chapter 15

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You and Thomas had eaten a hotdog on the boulevard, and watched the sun set. It was a beautiful sunset, the sky was fillet with pink and purple. That pink/purplish glow on Thomas' face was something you would never forget. He'd taken your hand over the table, and you sometimes made out. There were two sweet girls who wanted you to take a picture of them and Thomas, and they wanted his signature. They were really kind to you and Thomas. When they wanted to leave Thomas asked them if one of them wanted to make a picture of you and him. He handed his cellphone over at one of the girls, and placed his arm around your waist. On the picture, you first just smiled and then you gave him a kiss on his cheek. You were madly in love.

Now you were sitting behind him on his motorcycling again. You arrived home, picked up your guitar and guided Thomas to Mike's place.

You and Thomas entered the shed and you saw that Melany and Mike were already there.


You had rehearsed for two hours and Thomas had watched you, you were at Thomas' place now. You were sitting on his sofa, Thomas was going through a stash of DVD's he'd just taken out of a box. Sometimes he would say a name of a movie, and you would say if you'd like to  watch it.

'So weren't you bored watching me sing?'

'No... I'm your biggest fan.' He looked over his shoulder, smiling and raised a dvd. 'This one is from this century. You want to watch it?'

'Whatever you want to watch is fine by me.' You blushed a little.

'Mm 'kay. What kind of movies do you like?'

'I like the action ones. And I love horror. But I loved the maze runner, too. So sci-fi can be great, too.' You answered.

'Okay, you'll love this one.' He laid down the DVD he had in his hand and picked up another one. 'Have you seen it before, it's called knowing it's about the world coming to an end. It sounds boring, but it really creeped me out when I saw it for the first time.'

'Sounds cool.'

'Great.' He put the DVD-player on and started the movie. He sat down next to you, and put his arm around you. You rested your head in his armpit, that was really comfortable. You suddenly felt really tired, and you hoped to not fall asleep during the movie.

You really liked the movie, and in the middle Thomas made you some popcorn. You almost fell asleep before the ending, but a jump scare made you perfectly awake. You stopped yourself from squealing, so that was a good thing. But by the time the movie ended you had fallen asleep again, in Thomas' armpit.

'(y/n)?' Thomas whispered in your ear. You opened your eyes and yawned. 'Huh?'

'The movie's ended. Did you like it?'

'Yeah, I loved it. I missed the ending, though. Did everyone die?'

'Caleb, the professors kid and the girl, Abby are going to a new world with the creepy whisper aliens. They are the new Adam and Eve I think. Everyone else dies.'

'Really? I thought the whisper people were the bad guys. They're scary.'

'They're good apparently.'

'Mmm... I had fun today.' You sat up and glanced and Thomas.

'Me too.' You leaned forward and gave Thomas a long kiss.

'Thank you for standing up for me against Jake and for not judging me.'

'You're welcome, love.'

He gave you another kiss and lifted you up from the couch, bridal style.  'Thomas, what are you doing?' You laughed while he walked towards the stairs with you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kept on laughing. This was so silly but you enjoyed it so much!

Thomas laid you down in his bed and crawled over you. You kissed him roughly, and he tenderly started kissing your neck. You helped him taking off your shirt, and he kept on kissing you further down. Between your breast, on your belly. He went up again, looked you in the eyes and smiled. 'You're so beautiful.' You kissed his lips again while you stroked his face with your thumb. You pulled his shirt off and crawled over him. You touched his body. He looked so good.

'What's that?' He pointed at your arm, at the ugly scars. 'Did you do that to yourself?' As funny as it was, no boy had never asked you that in bed. They all were to wasted to realize it. You quickly laid your hand on top of the scars and you suddenly felt ashamed of yourself.

'Um, yeah. It was soon after my parents died. I.. Uh, I'd rather not talk about it.' You laid down at the other side of the bed again, and stared at the ceiling. You fucked it over. You knew it. You were ugly and to broken to be attractive. But then he crawled over you again, and he looked in your eyes. He stroked the hair out of your face. '(Y/n) that's okay. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm just worried, that's all. Just know you can talk to me about anything... Anything at all.'
'Thank you, I really appreciate that, Thomas, I know.. I, well... They're ugly...' You sighed. Everything just comes out so shit and you're going to scare him away at some point.
'You are the most beautiful women I've ever met, (y/n).' He whispered after a while, his eyes serious.
You smiled and kissed him again.

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