Chapter 72

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The next weekend, you and Thomas flew back home to see your doctor. You were really happy Thomas came with you because you felt really anxious... Outside the walls of the hotel, you immediately felt less save, searching for the rapers in crowds and on the airport, in the airplane. You felt better when you were on American grounds again. There was paparazzi in the airport, but you and Thomas just quickly got you baggage (which wasn't much) and hid out in a taxi. You didn't wear any make up and looked like shit - so you were wondering what people would write about you. Depression or drugs relapse? Maybe they go crazy and write I had a suicide attempt.  You sighed and the taxi started moving. Luckily you didn't have a baby bum yet, because then you would defiantly be stressed out. You didn't want the entire world to know you were pregnant just yet. So far only Kaya, Dylan and Wes Ball knew about it. Thomas had to explain himself to go home with me for the weekend to his director. Wes was really kind and concerned.

You placed your head against the window of the taxi and dozed off. Thomas woke you when you were parked in front of your house. Well - his house. But that was the place you called home. You'd practically moved in. 
Thomas helped you inside and placed you on the sofa and went back to the taxi to pay and get your luggage. When he was back, you were laying on the sofa, and he brought you tea. Tomorrow, early in the morning, you had an appointment with the doctor to do some tests on how long you've been pregnant. You felt so tired like the last few weeks and fell asleep on the couch.


You woke up by the smell of amazing food. You glared around, and saw a glimpse of Thomas in the kitchen. He disappeared behind the corner and you slowly stood up, walking towards him. He stood with his back towards you, stirring in a frying-pan. He had his headphone on, so he didn't hear you coming. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he said, 'Hey, are you up?'
He placed his headphone around his neck and turned around, hugging me. 'How are you feeling?' He asked.
'I feel fine.' You answered and fake-smiled up at him. You wanted him to see you as the fun girl he used to know. That part of you died the night you got raped and abused. What if he didn't like the new version of you? And why would he? This version was a mess. 
Thomas pouted his lips and gave you a sad lips, stroking your cheek. 'You're so strong... You're doing so good.' He whispered and placed a kiss on you forehead. Lies. I'm broken.
You looked up at him and felt your eyes get watery. Not again. Thomas stroked a tear of your cheek and sighed. 
'Shall I set the table?' You asked and added, 'That smells delicious.' 
Thomas nodded and you turned around.

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