Chapter 10

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You and Kaya entered the living room, and you saw that Thomas and Dylan were doing Mario Cart on the Wii. Thomas was laughing, his face concentrated with the controller in his hand, twisting it right and left and pulling on little buttons with his tumbs. Dylan looked frustrated, he was yelling 'No! I'm gonna get you. Ah, no. Jesus.' with joy over his face. Ki Hong sat on the ground, yelling 'TBS! TBS! Come on, Dylan! Yesss, Thomas!'

They were so concentrated on the game, they didn't even notice you come in. 'Ah, just look at them.' Kaya whispered, and giggled. You just stared at Thomas, he looked so cute right now. You'd played this game before, with your parents, on family nights. That same, warm feeling you'd felt then and the need to win, kicked in and it felt so good.
'Winner battles against me!' You said, loud enough for the boys to hear you.

Thomas looked up and glanced at you sideways.
'Deal.' He smiled.

'She's screwed.' Ki Hong smirked.

Thomas turned back to the screen and let his controller fall out of his hand while he loudly said 'Nailed it! I won!'
Dylan turned his face towards Thomas and sighed 'Crap. Well done, bro.' Then he high fived him. Dylan turned to me and added 'Are you sure, (y/n)? He'll beat you.'
You smiled. 'Yeah? We'll see about that.'

You could hear Kaya laugh when you sat down and took Dylan's controller.
'Okay then. Let's do this.' Thomas said, and smiled.

The game started and you had a good start, Thomas was behind you. He wasn't able to get past you the intire game. You were almost by the finish line now. So, so close. But Thomas had almost reached you. Kaya, Ki Hong and Dylan giggled, yelled and laughed while you were doing the game, but you were focused on winning. Sometimes you yelled 'Yes! You won't get past me!' Or 'Oh no!' when something went wrong. You would laugh when Thomas made a mistake. But finally, you won!
'Yesss!' You yelled, and Kaya, who'd sat down next to Ki Hong, yelled 'Yeah! Girl power!'
Dylan and Ki Hong both laughed, and clapped in their hands. You turned to Thomas. 'Wow... You're good. I'm impressed.' He said, and gave you a high five while he laughed.

That midday you did lots more Mario Cart and won every game. When it was dinner time, Thomas ordered pizza's and when you were finished eating, you did more Mario Cart (Obviously you won all games). It was a fun midday and evening, and it was the best you'd had in ages. Especially because it reminded you of the good old times you'd had with your family You felt so happy!

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