Chapter 58

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It was weird to be alone in Thomas' home. You slept all Monday morning, you didn't have to work today, and woke up with a weird feeling. You laid on your side and glared to Thomas' empty side. You didn't want to get up, ever, only when Thomas was here again. Your phone beeped, and you picked up.

'Hey, it's Melany! Have you checked your mailbox?' Melany's excited voice yelled into your ear
You groaned, your head hurted, 'no, I just woke up. I brought Kaya and Thomas to the airport this morning.'
'Oh, well, check your mail! I can assure you, you'll feel much better. Oh, and get dressed, urgent band meeting in 20 minutes. The shack. See you!' She hung up before you could answer.

You got up and opened your mailbox.
It was an e-mail from a music hall in New York. They wanted to book your band for an entire night! In the end of June, so in almost 4 months. You couldn't believe what you read... Someone apparently recorded your performance at the club, and put it on YouTube. It had 100.000 likes already! 

You got up quickly and put on your sweatpants and a comfortable sweater, then rushed to the shack.


Melany fell into your arms. 'Oh my god, I'm so excited! Who would have thought, us, performing for about thousand people in New York. Guys, this is huge.'
'Right, but that means we have to work even harder. Writing new songs, rehearsing them and I thought about making a YouTube canal where we post our songs.' Mike said.
You nodded, 'sounds great guys.' You were excited and you felt anxious at the same time. You had the urge to call Thomas, to share this moment of joy with him but you couldn't. He had probably already landed, but he was busy with meetings and stuff. Thomas would be so proud of you! You knew it.

'...So, I was thinking (y/n) should do it.' Jorge said. You had completely zoned out, and you glared at him, raising your eyebrows. 'What?'
'We were deciding who does what, we thought you could continue writing the songs, because you're the best in that. Would you like to do that?' Melany asked.
'Sure, but I'm kind off busy with work at this moment.'
'Uh, (y/n), you're the boss. Can't you decide to work part time? You love writing songs and you've always wanted for us to break through. Now, that's happening but we have to perform at our best in New York. It could be huge for us.' Melany said.
You nodded and grinned. 'You're right, I could totally make that happen.'
'And we were thinking every Saturday the entire day rehearsal, throughout the week 3 nights, Sunday midday.'
'Sounds good.'
'Alright, so Mike, you'll handle the YouTube account?' Melany said, her eyes twinkling with excited. Mike raised his thumb. 'Good.'

You went home with a satisfied feeling. Everything what distracted you from missing Thomas was good.

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