Chapter 30

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That night you slept really well, Thomas slept in his chair holding your hand. You'd eaten sandwiches and drank soda.


The next morning Lilly woke you and Thomas up with breakfast, it was 8 am. Way to soon.
"Good morning Lilly." You smiled at her and glanced at Thomas who looked so cute with his sleepy eyes.

"Good morning honey, you eat that yeah?" She smiled at Thomas and left the room.

You glanced at Thomas and smiled. "Hey. Did you sleep well?" You asked.

"Hey beautiful, yeah. How are you feeling?" Thomas smiled and sat up in his chair. God... His morning voice is hot.

"I feel good." You laughed and started on your sandwich. It tasted like plastic but you swallowed it bravely. "Tastes like shit." You whispered and laid the plate on the nightstand, still smiling. You couldn't help it, you were just so fucking happy.

'You seem to be in a good mood?' Thomas grinned.

'I survived the night, of course I'm in a good mood.' You chuckled and looked down. 'Sorry to soon... dead jokes.' You rolled your eyes and looked at Thomas, concerned look on his face.
'I'm sorry.' You repeated and leaned towards him. He got the hint, his face relaxed and leaned forward to kiss you. He put his arms around you and held you thight. 'I'm never letting you go.' He whispered in your ear.

'I'd love that.' You put your arms around him and sighed. God, his arms around you felt so good. 'I'm sorry I put you through hell.' You added, still whispering. You sighed and let out a sob, you felt so bad for Thomas. He didn't deserve the pain of caring for you, seeing you almost die. Thomas let go of you a bit, so he could see your face. He gently stroked your hair behind your ear and started to talk, gazing in your eyes. 'Yes, I went through hell thinking you were going to die, but that could never be your fault, (y/n).' Thomas his eyes suddenly were red and a beautiful tear came out of it. You gently wiped it away.
'It still feels like it is, somehow.' You answered; your voice was shaky, you suddenly felt beyond sad. He didn't deserve this...
'It's not, okay?' He kissed you quickly on the lips. 'Don't blame yourself. I'm just really glad you're okay now.'

You smiled and stroked his face with the fingertips. 'What did I do to deserve you?' You wondered out loud, staring into his beautiful eyes.
Thomas smiled shyly and looked to the ground. He chuckled. 'I wonder the same thing about you.'
'I'm ordinary... But you... You are special, Thomas.' You whispered while you continued stroking him.
'You're not ordinary.' Thomas chuckled and looked up, your eyes met and he smiled. He touched your face and like a magical moment your lips touched roughly, you granted him permission into your mouth and he tasted amazing. You pulled him next to you (with every ounce of strength you had) and had to catch your breath. 'Sorry.' You mumbled while you gasped. Thomas smiled, stroked the hair behind your ear and stroked your face with his thumb. 'We'll take it easy, love.'
'No..' You moaned and kissed him again, even harder then before. Thomas kissed you back and you laid there kissing for a while, until a voice interrupted it. 'Oh Jesus, sorry.'

Thomas climbed of of you and you looked at the door opening.
'Kaya!' You said enthusiastic, 'You're here!'
'Hey you guys.' She answered, and smiled. She looked much better then yesterday, she looked refreshed, beautiful.
'Hey.' Thomas stood up and hugged her. 'Have you rested enough?'
'Yes, I slept for 10 hours straight, I was so tired. How are you, (y/n)? You look much better... You got red cheeks.' Kaya teased and laughed. 'I'm joking. But you look much better. How are you feeling, love?' Kaya walked over to your bed and she hugged you and you gave her a kiss on her cheek. 'Thanks for being here, Kaya.' You said. 'I feel a lot better, actually.' You smiled and she took your hand. She squeezed it gently and let it go.
'Shall I get you guys breakfast?'
'Yeah, thank you Kaya.' Thomas answered and he sat down on his chair again. He glanced at you, grinning, and you knew you were grinning too.
'Okay. I'll be right back, yeah.' She squeezed Thomas shoulder a bit and left the room.

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