Chapter 42

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Thomas took you out for dinner that night, like he promised. He took you to a fancy place you'd never been before about 20 minutes out of town. It was so romantic, he'd even bought you red roses! You normally didn't like the cheesy stuff but now, you didn't care. It warmed your heart. You were in so completely in love and everything he did made you fall even more.

No one interrupted your lovely dinner, which was a first. No fans or angry exes... It was peaceful and so lovely. The night was over before you knew it. You were so tired on the road home and you struggled to stay awake. You failed and Thomas woke you up and helped you out of the car once you were home.

You laid in bed and glared at Thomas, who laid next to you.
'Did you have a lovely night?' Thomas asked softly and took your hand under the blanket. You nodded. 'I loved it... I love you.' You said and grinned at him.
He smiled and you turned around in bed, away from Thomas and yawned. Thomas moved towards you and placed his arm around your waist. He placed a soft kiss on your shoulder and sighed.
'I want to ask you something.' He whispered, his voice sounded serious.
'What is it?' You whispered back.
'When I'm back from shooting the Scorch, will you move in with me?' He asked.
'I already live with you... I'm here most of the time.' You answered frowning.
'I mean not just most of the time. Will you move in with me officially?'
You turned around to look at him properly and giggled. 'For real?' You asked, your stomach was exploding with butterflies.
'Well... Yeah?' Thomas said. He looked nervous.
'Oh my god, yes! Yes, yes, yes.' I said, grinning like a crazy person and you cupped his face in your hands. He looked so happy and you kissed his lips tenderly. 'You're the best thing that ever happened to me.' You whispered in his ear and continued kissing him. 'Oh, love, I'll miss you so...' Thomas said. 'But first: Thailand. I'm so excited.'
You made a sad face and crawled over him. 'I'll miss you to... I'm so excited.'

Thomas grinned and you continued kissing.

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