Chapter 73 - Thomas' POV

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I glared at her over the table, she was whirling the noodles around her fork and took a bite. She was staring at her plate, avoiding eye contact.
'(Y/n)...' I said, and her eyes floated up at me. She stayed silent, so I continued. 'I think it's best you stay here after this weekend.'
Silence. She placed her fork on the table, and looked at me, tears in her eyes. 'You don't want me to go back with you?' Her voice was tiny and weak.
'That's not it... I...-'
'Are you breaking up with me?'
I felt like someone punched me in the face. 'No, of course not!' I practically yelled, adding, more quietly, 'I was just thinking, it might be good for you to continue singing with the band, maybe work a bit instead of staying in a dark hotel room all day, waiting for me.'
She stared at the table. 'I'm never going to break up with you, (Y/n)... Because you are my life. And I love you, so, so much. Why would you say that?'
Our eyes met. 'Maybe you don't like me like this.' She answered matter-of-factly. 'I've changed.'
'Everything will be alright, trust me.'
She stood up, winching, placing her arms protectively around her stomach. I stood up after her, and she shook her head. 'You don't know that!' She was yelling right now, between sobs. 'You don't know what it's like, Thomas,' her voice broke, 'maybe this is the new me now and I don't blame you if you want out. If you won't make the decision, I will.' She took the wedding ring off, placing it on the table, next to her plate. 'But please don't say everything will be alright.'
I just stood there, speechless after her sudden outburst. I glared at her wedding ring, laying there on the table. She turned around and started to walk towards the door.
'(Y/n)...' You yelled after her, and she lifted her finger, glancing at you.
'No, just leave me alone right now.' She walked out of the room.


I didn't know what to do. I heard her walk on the stairs, and I let myself fall on the chair behind me. I placed my hand in front of my mouth, feeling like absolute shit. She was right - I had no idea what she was going to her. And at this point I had no idea how I could help her. I hated that feeling. Maybe she just needed some time alone.


After about an hour, I went upstairs, wedding ring in my hand. I couldn't find her anywhere, she wasn't in the bedroom, not in the guest room, bathroom... I walked to the second floor, and saw her sit on the roof, next to the window. Legs pulled up, arms around it. A cigarette in her hand.
I climbed up and sat down next to her.
'You shouldn't...' I glanced at her cigarette.
She quickly wiped away a tear. 'I haven't lit it.' She answered and threw me an apologizing and weak smile. 'I'm sorry about earlier... I didn't mean anything I just said, I didn't even mean them in the moment. It's just my emotions are all over the place.' Her face looked beautiful in the red/ pink light of the sun setting. 'I'm sorry.' She repeated.
'I'm sorry, to. You were right, I don't know what it's like.'
She frowned. 'No, Thomas, I wasn't. You were, I did some thinking and I think you're right. I should stay here, sing, work... Do something with my life.'
I smiled. 'We will see each other regularly. I will come over each weekend I don't have to shoot.'
She smiled and kissed my lips. 'I'd like that, plus, you can see my baby bum grow... Watch our baby grow.' I couldn't help but shed a tear by this comment. Our baby. Yes. I kissed her lips again, she kissed me harder and harder, biting my lip and sucking it. 'I want you, now.' She whispered, and we kissed again.
'Are you sure... Are you ready?'
She nodded, glaring in my eyes. 'Yes.'

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now